Transferring a Payee's Superannuation Accruals

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Transferring a Payee's Superannuation Accruals

If a payee's superannuation accrual needs to be transferred from one superannuation fund to another, you can use the Superannuation Transfers tab on the Agency Portal > Payroll Australia > Payee > Payee Maintenance > Payee Entry screen to perform the transfer. 

The following conditions apply to transferring a payee's superannuation accruals from one fund to another:

  • only those amounts that have been accrued for the current contribution period of the fund, from which the accrual is to be transferred, can be transferred because accruals for previous contribution periods may have already been paid to the fund

  • a transfer can be actioned at any time except while the payee is included in an open pay batch.

On transferring the balance of a superannuation accrual from one fund to another, an event is captured in the transfer audit history to record the transfer details, such as transfer date and time, the name of the user who invoked the transfer, the name of the source and target funds and the amount transferred. This information can be viewed on the Transfer History sub-tab. For more information, see How to View a Payee's Superannuation Transfer History.

Only employer superannuation contributions (i.e. contributions accrued at the Wage Costs stage of a pay batch) can be transferred. If a payee requests to have their personal superannuation contributions paid to a different fund, their current payee superannuation deductions must be closed-off and new superannuation deductions must be created to reference the relevant superannuation fund. For more information, see Adding & Updating Deductions.

The closing balance of the original fund might be greater than zero after a transfer. This is because there may have been accruals to the original fund in prior contribution periods that had not been transferred prior to the closing of the respective contribution periods.

If a new fund is added, the policy number of an existing fund is added or changed or a fund is removed, the Payee record must be saved, closed and reopened before the updates to the payee’s superannuation details will be reflected on the Payee Entry screen.

The fund to which an accrual is to be transferred must already have been added to the list of funds under the Payee Details > Superannuation Details section of the Payee Entry screen before an accrual balance can be transferred to that fund.

If no future superannuation accruals are to be allocated to the source fund, the source fund must be deleted from the Payee Details > Superannuation Details section of the Payee Entry screen for the current/latest validity period. Otherwise, the payee will continue to accrue superannuation to the source fund.

See also:
