FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Enabling Custom Bill Rate Rate Formulas for Standard Rates Job Orders
A new option labelled Bill Rate Formula has been added to the Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country > Middle / Back Office Country Setting > Standard Rate Bill Types screen as highlighted in the example below.
When ticked, agency front office staff can select a custom bill rate formula for a rate item in the rates job matrix on a standard rates job order so that the bill rate of the item can be calculated using a configurable rate formula instead of the system defined margin/markup type calculations. For more information about custom bill rate formulas, see Custom Bill Formulas.
This enhancement allows the ability to use custom bill rate formulas to calculate bill rates for standard rates job orders to be selectively enabled or turned off depending on the country to which a standard rates job order belongs.
Custom Bill Formulas of type Bill Rate Formula are not available for selection in Standard Rates by default. To enable the functionality for a given country, tick the Bill Rate Formula item in the Standard Rate Bill Type options available in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country > Middle / Back Office Country Setting > Standard Rate Bill Types settings for the relevant country.
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