FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Automatic Generation of Finance Export Data File
Currently where an Agency has configured the system to generate an export data file via the Finance Integration tool, this process is manually triggered. The generated file is then exported, saved and uploaded by the Agency to their fiscal system.
In order to comply with international standards such as SOX Japan (Sarbanes-Oxley) an Agency may require that the generation of the export file is automatically queued.
An enhancement has been completed in this release to provide the ability for an Agency utilising the Finance Integration tool, to configure a schedule to automatically generate and store Finance Integration Export Data.
To facilitate this required an additional section has been added to Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > Financial Integration > General Maintenance, called 'Create Export Data Schedule'.
Where this item is opened, a user will be able to create one or many export data schedules to coordinate the generation of export data files, by Export Type.
Once configured, and 'Active', the system will automatically generate the export file data as per the schedule.
This enhancement provides the ability for the Agency to allow the system to automatically trigger the Finance Integration data file generation process. This process will remove the risks associated with human intervention via manually triggering the process.
Open Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > Financial Integration > General Maintenance and navigate to the section 'Create Export Data Schedule'.
Click 'Add' to create a schedule. Select the settings to determine the timing required for file generation, in the 'Create Export Data Schedule' screen and save. Select the status of 'Active', when you are ready apply the schedule.
Once the automated process has run, the fill will be available in Finance Integration > Batch Maintenance for retrieval as required.
Where the export file generation is successful, an automated email will dispatch to the 'Notification Email Address' assigned in the Finance Integration General Maintenance item. A notification will also dispatch should the process fail.
In the existing Batch Maintenance item, located on the left-hand menu under Finance Integration a new Field Name has been added to the Export Batch Details called 'Auto Created'. This will provide visibility where a batch has been generated automatically.
The existing Queued Jobs dashboard item will also display any batches queued by the automatic schedule.
The existing permission item 'Export/Audit' will provide the user with access to the Export Data Schedule.
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