Using the Export Screen

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Using the Export Screen

The Finance Integration > Export screen is used to export Finance Integration batches. The Export screen consist of a components, as highlighted below.

Each of the screen components identified above are described in more detail below.

Screen Header

This section of the Export screen features fields for selecting the batch parameters; country, export types and posting date.

Transaction Filtering Criteria

This section of the Export screen features fields for selecting the criteria that can be used to filter the transactions that are to be exported in a batch. This part of the screen is divided into the following sub-sections:

  • Pay Batch tab - this tab features options for filtering wage-related transactions

  • Invoice tab - this tab features options for filtering sales-related transactions.

The fields in this section of the screen are enabled or are unavailable depending on the batch parameters that are selected. For example, the Pay Company field on the Pay Batch tab is enabled to allow filtering transactions by a specific pay company if the export types selected in the batch parameters include the Wages option. However, if the only export type that is selected is Sales, the Pay Company field on the Pay Batch tab is unavailable.


Payroll and/or billing country to which the batch you want to export belongs. For example, if you select New Zealand in this field the batch will include items linked to the payroll or billing country of New Zealand.

This field is mandatory.

Export Type

Identifies the types of objects that are to be exported in the batch. Depending on how your system has been configured, the following options may be available:

  • Wages

  • Sales

  • Unpaid Wages

  • Un-invoiced Sales

You can select one or more options or you can select the Any option to export all item types that are available for export.

The export types that are available can be limited based on an option in General Maintenance Settings. Therefore, the export types that you can select will depend on how the Finance Integration module has been configured.

The Export Type field does not include an option for the export of debtors. If the Finance Integration module is configured to export debtors, a debtor will be exported automatically if that debtor is linked to a sales transaction that is included in the export batch and either of the following conditions apply:

  • the debtor has not been exported previously

  • the debtor has been exported previously but the debtor record in FT360 has been updated since then.

This field is mandatory.

Posting Date

Date that determines the financial reporting period to which the items that will be exported in this batch will be allocated in your financial system. Click in this field to display a calendar control from which you can select the relevant date.

This field is mandatory.

Pay Batch Tab

Note that fields on the Pay Batch tab are enabled depending on the types of items you have chosen to export.

  • Pay Company - Defines the pay company for which pay-related financial transactions are to be exported. This field defaults to Any to allow you to include transactions that are linked to any pay company that belongs to the country that is selected in the Country field. To export transactions that are linked to a specific pay company only, select the name of the relevant pay company in this field.

  • Pay Group - Defines the pay group for which pay-related financial transactions are to be exported. This field defaults to Any to allow you to include transactions that are linked to any pay company belong to the country that is selected in the Country field. To export transactions that are linked to a specific pay company only, select the name of the relevant pay group in this field.

  • Pay Period End Date - Defines the latest pay period end date for which pay-related financial transactions are to be exported. Pay batches that have pay period end dates that fall on or before this date will be included in the export. It is mandatory to select a date in this field or the Payment Date field (see below). 

  • Payment Date - Defines the latest payment date for which pay-related financial transactions are to be exported. Pay batches that have payment dates that fall on or before this date will be included in the export. It is mandatory to select a date in this field or the Pay Period End Date field (see above). 

Invoice Tab

Note that fields on the Invoice tab are enabled depending on the types of items you have chosen to export.

  • Billing Company - Name of the billing company that issued an invoice. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to include transactions that are linked to any billing company. To include only those transactions that are linked to one or more specific billing companies, select the names of the relevant billing companies in this field.

  • Debtor Name - Name of the debtor to whom an invoice was issued. By default, transactions are listed regardless of the debtor to whom they are linked. To include only those transactions that are linked to a specific debtor, key in the debtor's name in this field. Alternatively, key in the unique debtor code in the Debtor Code field instead (for more information, see below).

  • Debtor Code - The ID that uniquely identifies a debtor in FastTrack360. By default, transactions are listed regardless of the debtor to whom they are linked. To include only those transactions that are linked to a specific debtor, key in the ID by which the debtor is uniquely identified in FastTrack360 in this field. Alternatively, key in the debtor's name in the Debtor Name field (for more information, see above).

  • Invoice Date - Invoice date to which transactions are linked. By default, all transactions linked to an invoice date falling on or prior to the current date will be included. To include only those transactions that are linked to an invoice date that falls prior to the current date, click within this field and use the calendar control to select the required date. For example, if you select 10/02/2016 transactions linked to an invoice date of 10/02/2016 and prior will be included. Sales Types to Export - Types of sales transactions that are to be included in the export. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to export any type of sales transaction. To export only one or more specific types of sales transactions, select the relevant transaction types in this field.

  • Time Group - Time group to which transactions are linked. The time group defines the billing cycle for the debtor to whom the transaction is linked. This field defaults to Any and cannot be changed unless Sales is the only export type you have chosen to export and Timesheet Based Invoices and/or Timesheet Based Credit Notes are the only sales types you have chosen to export, in which case you can select a specific time group. Note that if you do filter transactions by a specific time group, rebill invoices and credit notes that have been created in a Credit Rebill batch will not be exported because such invoices and credit notes are not directly linked to time groups and will therefore be filtered out of the export.

  • Invoice Batch Number - Identifies the invoice batch to which transactions are linked. This field is unavailable unless Sales is the only export type you have chosen to export and Timesheet Based Invoices and/or Timesheet Based Credit Notes are the only sales types you have chosen to export, in which case you can key an invoice batch number in this field.

Transaction Export List

This section of the Export screen lists the transactions or export items that match the batch parameters and transaction filtering criteria that you select. The list of transactions is not populated until you have selected the batch parameters, and optionally the transaction filtering criteria, and click Search.

One line is displayed within the Export List for each instance of the following items:

  • pay batch

  • invoice batch

  • credit rebill batch

  • ad-hoc invoice

  • unpaid wage transaction

  • un-invoice sale transaction.

A tick is displayed against each item in the list that is selected for inclusion in the export batch. By default, all items are ticked, as highlighted in the example below.

You can exclude certain items from the batch by un-ticking the relevant items. Items that do not have a tick displayed against them will not be exported.

If you do not want to export the bulk of the items that are listed, click Clear All to deselect all of the listed items. You can then select the individual items, which you do want to export, on a one-by-one basis.

If you un-tick a range of items accidentally, click Select All to select all of the listed items again.

Monetary totals are displayed at the top of the Export List based on the items that are currently selected for inclusion in the batch. An example of this is highlighted below.

As you select or deselect items in the Export List, the monetary totals update accordingly to reflect the total value of items that will be included in the export batch.

Item ID

Sequential ID number that uniquely identifies each transaction/item within the list.


Identifies the type of item that is listed as follows:

  • Wages - indicates that the listed item is a pay batch

  • Invoices - indicates that the listed item is an invoice batch

  • Credit Rebill - indicates that the listed item is a credit rebill batch (note: two separate transactions are listed and can be exported for each credit rebill, a rebill credit note and a rebill invoice)

  • Ad-hoc Invoice -indicates that the listed item is a manual/ad-hoc invoice or credit note

  • Unpaid Wages - indicates that the listed item is an unpaid wage transaction

  • Un-invoiced Sales - indicates that the listed item is an un-invoice sale transaction.

Batch No.

Displays the batch number that identifies the pay batch, invoice batch or credit rebill batch, if applicable to the listed item. This column displays blank for the following item types:

  • ad-hoc invoices

  • unpaid wages

  • un-invoiced sales

Batch Date

Displays the following depending on the item type that is listed:

  • Wages - pay batch payment date

  • Invoices - invoice date or invoice creation date

  • Credit Rebill - credit rebill end date

  • Ad-hoc Invoice -invoice date

  • Unpaid Wages - timesheet end date

  • Un-invoiced Sales - timesheet end date.


Displays the name of the pay group or time group to which the listed pay batch, invoice batch or un-invoiced sale corresponds respectively.

This column displays blank for the following item types:

  • ad-hoc invoices

  • credit rebill

  • unpaid wages.

Period End Date

Displays the following depending on the item type that is listed:

Wages - pay batch pay period end date

Invoices - time group end date of the invoice batch

Credit Rebill - credit rebill batch end date

Ad-hoc Invoice -invoice date

Unpaid Wages - timesheet end date

Un-invoiced Sales - timesheet end date.

Total $

Displays the total monetary amount that the listed item represents. Note that if the listed item is a pay batch, this value represents the sum of all of the following transaction type in the pay batch:

  • Ordinary (PL)

  • Overtime (PL)

  • Allowance (PL)

  • Reimbursement (PL)

  • Leave Accrual (PL)

  • Leave Taken (PL)

  • Terminations (BS)

  • Deductions (BS)

  • Tax (BS)

  • GST (BS)

  • Employee Benefits (PL)

  • Superannuation (PL)

  • Payroll Tax (PL)

  • WorkCover (PL)

  • KiwiSaver (PL)

  • ACC Employer Levy (PL)

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