Exporting Finance Integration Batches

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Exporting Finance Integration Batches

This section explains how you can create and process a Finance Integration batch in order to export financial data from the FastTrack360 system.

Batch Export Overview

The process of creating and exporting a Finance Integration batch is a multi-stage process that involves the following:

  1. Selecting the export parameters.

  2. Selecting the filtering criteria.

  3. Excluding any items from the batch that you do not want to export.

  4. Export the batch.

Each of these steps is carried out via the Finance Integration > Export screen. Each of these steps are described below.

Selecting the Export Parameters

The export parameters determine the following about a Finance Integration batch:

  • country to which the export batch corresponds

  • export type(s) to be included in the batch (i.e. debtors, wages, unpaid wages, sales and/or un-invoiced sales)

  • posting date that determines the financial period to which the export will correspond in your financial system.

The export types that are available for selection when processing a Finance Integration batch will depend on the export item types that are selected in Finance Integration General Settings Maintenance.

The export parameters are selected in the header of the Finance Integration > Export screen, as highlighted in the example below.

Selecting the Filtering Criteria

By default, a Finance Integration batch will include all items that meet all of the following conditions:

  • are linked to the country selected in the export parameters

  • are of a type that is selected in the export parameters

  • have not been exported previously.

You can narrow down the list of items that will be exported by applying transaction filtering criteria. For example, if you want to export sales transactions that are linked to a specific billing company only, you can filter the list of transactions by the relevant billing company so that sales transactions linked to other billing companies will be excluded from the batch. 

The transaction filtering criteria are selected on the Pay Batch and Invoice tabs of the Finance Integration > Export screen, as highlighted in the example below.

Once you have selected the export parameters and the filtering criteria you can click Search to return a list of items that meet your criteria. The matching items are listed in the Export List section of the screen and, by default, a tick is displayed against each item to indicate that the corresponding item will be included in the export batch. An example of this is shown below.

You can refer to the columns of information that are shown in the Export List to double-check the transactions will be exported in the batch. For example, if you have chosen to export wages but there is a suspected discrepancy in the pay total of a certain pay batch you can exclude that pay batch from the export. 

Excluding Items from the Batch

There may be specific items that are listed in the Export List section of the Finance Integration > Export screen that you do not want to export. For example, if you have chosen to export wages but there is a suspected discrepancy in the pay total of a certain pay batch, you can exclude the offending pay batch from the export and that pay batch can be exported in another Finance Integration batch at a later time, once the discrepancy has been investigated.

Items can be excluded from being exported in a Finance Integration batch by un-ticking the relevant items in the Export List section of the Finance Integration > Export screen. Note that monetary totals for each type of export (Wages, Unpaid Wages, Sales, Un-invoice Sales) are displayed at the top of the Export List to indicate the monetary value of transactions that will be exported in the batch based on the items that are currently selected for inclusion in the batch. An example of this is highlighted below.

When you un-tick items within the Export List, these monetary totals update automatically to reflect the subset of items that are selected and will be exported as part of the batch.

Exporting the Batch

Once you have selected the export parameters and transaction filtering criteria and, if necessary, deselected any transactions that you do not want to export, you can invoke the Export action to create the Finance Integration batch and to queue the batch to the Process Queue. Once the batch is created and is queued, processing of the batch may take some time depending on the number of transactions that are included in the batch, the number of batches already queued for processing and the amount of network traffic on your system. For more information, see Process Queue Management.




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