How to Bulk Export Rates

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Bulk Export Rates

To bulk export rates to a spreadsheet file so that rates can be bulk updated, follow the procedure below.

How to Bulk Export Rate


Navigate to Rates & Rules > Bulk Rate Update > Export.

The Bulk Rate Update screen is displayed and the Export tab is active.



In the Export Type field, select the type of rates that you want to export for updating. For example, if you want to export and update pay agreement rates for pay agreements in the Rates and Rules module, select the Pay Agreement Rates option.

It is mandatory to select an option in this field.



Next to the Rate Valid On or After field, click the calendar button and select the date on or after which a set of rates must be valid if they are to be exported. For example, if you select a date of 03/02/2018, any rate rules or rate sets that are valid on 03/02/2018 will be exported, even if the rate validity start date is prior to that date, as will any rate rules or rate sets that have a validity start date after that date.

It is mandatory to select a date in this field.


In the remaining fields on the Export tab, select any relevant criteria based on the rates that you want to export for updating. The fields that are available will depend upon the option you have selected in the Export Type field.

The export criteria fields that can be used to filter the specific rates that are to be exported for updating, depending on the export type that is selected, are described below.

Export Type: Pay Agreement Rates and Bill Agreement Rates

Country Name - Country of the agreement to which the rates belong, as specified in the agreement header. This field defaults to Any Country to allow exporting of agreement rates regardless of the country to which they are assigned.

Agreement Name - Name of the agreement to which the rates belong. If you want to export rates belonging to a specific agreement only and you know the name of the agreement, key in the name of the agreement in this field.

Agreement Status - Release status of the agreement. This field defaults to Released, thereby allowing you to export agreement rates for agreements that have a status of Released and are therefore available to be assigned to job orders. Select Pending if you want to export rates from agreements that are yet to be released or select Any if you want to export rates irrespective of the released status of the agreement to which the rates belong.

Hierarchy Level - Rate hierarchy level of the rate rule to which the rates belong.
For example, if you select State, only those rates that belong to a rate rule at the state level of the rate hierarchy will be exported.

Hierarchy Value - Hierarchy rate value of the rate rule to which the rates belong.
For example, if you selected State in the Rate Rule Hierarchy Level field, this field identifies the specific state to which the rates must be assigned. You can click to search for the relevant hierarchy value.

Hierarchy Group - Rate hierarchy group of the rate rule to which the rates belong.
Note that the name of this field will depend on the configuration of the hierarchy group functionality for the country to which your user is assigned.

Rate Rule Name - Name of the rate rule to which the rates belong. If you want to export rates belonging to a specific rate rule only, key in the name of the rate rule in this field.

Agreement Validity Start Date - Earliest date on which the agreement is valid.

Agreement Validity End Date - Latest date on which the agreement is valid.

Export Type: Job Order – Pay Agreement Rates and Job Order – Bill Agreement Rates

Country Name - Country of the job order to which the agreement rates are assigned.
This field defaults to Any Country to allow exporting of agreement rates that are assigned to job order that belong to any country. To export agreement rates that are assigned to job orders that belong to a specific country only, select the relevant country in this field.

Office Code - Agency office of the job order to which the agreement rates are assigned.
To export agreement rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific agency office only, select the relevant office in this field.

Client No - ID that uniquely identifies the client of the job order to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific client only, you can key in the client number in this field if you know it.

Client Name - Name of the client of the job order to which the agreement rates are assigned.
To export agreement rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific client only, you can key the client name in this field.

ClientAddress - Street address of the client who owns the job order.

ClientSuburb - Address suburb/town/city of the client who owns the job order.

ClientState - Address state/province of the client who owns the job order.

ClientPostCode - Address postcode of the client who owns the job order.

ClientCountry - Address country of the client who owns the job order.

Parent Client No - ID that uniquely identifies the parent company who owns the client of the job order to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific parent company only, you can key in the parent client number in this field if you know it.

Parent Client Name - Name of the parent company who owns the client of the job order to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific parent company only, you can key the parent name in this field.

Agreement Country - Country of the agreement to which the rates belong, as specified in the agreement header. This field defaults to Any Country to allow exporting of agreement rates regardless of the country to which they are assigned. To export agreement rates that belong to a specific country only, select the relevant country in this field.

Agreement Name - Name of the agreement to which the rates belong. If you want to export rates belonging to a specific agreement only, key in the name of the agreement in this field.

Rate Rule Name - Name of the rate rule to which the rates belong. If you want to export rates belonging to a specific rate rule only, key in the name of the rate rule in this field.

Job Order Status - Status of job orders for which agreement rates are to be exported.
This field defaults to Any to allow exporting of job order agreement rates regardless of job order status. To export agreement rates for job orders that have a specific status only, select the relevant status in this field.

Agreement Validity Start Date - Earliest date on which the agreement is valid.

Agreement Validity End Date - Latest date on which the agreement is valid.

Export Type: Template-Pay Agreement Rates and Template-Bill Agreement Rates

Template Type - Identifies the type of job template to which the agreement rates are assigned.
For example, if you select Country the system will export agreement rates that are assigned to templates with a type of Country only.

Client Name - Name of the client who owns the job template to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to templates for a specific client only, you can key the client name in this field. This field is available only if the Client option is selected in the Template Type field.

Client No - ID that uniquely identifies the client who owns the job template to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to templates for a specific client only, you can key in the client number in this field if you know it. This field is only available if the Client option is selected in the Template Type field.

Agreement Country - Country of the agreement to which the rates belong, as specified in the agreement header that is assigned to the job template. This field defaults to Any Country to allow exporting of template agreement rates regardless of the country to which they are assigned.
To export template agreement rates that belong to a specific country only, select the relevant country in this field. This field is unavailable if the Country option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case Template Country field determines the country to which the agreement belongs.

Template Name - Name of the job template that contains the agreement rates that are to be exported. To export agreement rates that belong to a specific template only, key the name of the template in this field.

Template Status - Status of the job template that contains the agreement rates that are to exported. This can be one of the following: Any Inactive Active

Cost Centre Name - Name of the client cost centre to which the template, that contains the agreement rates that are to be exported, belongs. If you want to export the rates that apply to a specific cost centre template and you know the name of the cost centre, key the cost centre name in this field. This field is only available if the Cost Centre option is selected in the Template Type field.

Cost Centre No - Nine-digit number, beginning with the number 8, that uniquely identifies the client cost centre to which the template, that contains the agreement rates that are to be exported, belongs. If you want to export the rates that apply to a specific cost centre template and you know the name of the cost centre, key the cost centre name in this field. This field is only available if the Cost Centre option is selected in the Template Type field.

Agreement Validity Start Date - Validity start date of the agreement to which the template rates belong, as specified in the agreement header. To only export rates that belong to an agreement that is valid from a specific date, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to
select the relevant date.

Agreement Validity End Date - Validity end date of the agreement to which the template rates belong, as specified in the agreement header. To only export rates that belong to an agreement that ceases to be valid on a specific date, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to
select the relevant date.

Agreement Name - Name of the agreement to which the template rates belong, as specified in the agreement header that is assigned to the job template. If you want to export rates belonging to a specific template agreement only, key in the name of the agreement in this field.

Template Country - Country of the job template that contains the agreement rates that are to be exported. This field is only available if Country option is selected in the Template Type field.

Template Office - Agency office of the job template that contains the agreement rates that are to be exported. This field defaults to Any to allow job template agreement rates to be exported regardless of the office to which the template belongs. To export agreement rates that exist on a template that is assigned to a specific office only, select the relevant office in this field. This field is available only if the Office option is selected in the Template Type field.

Parent Client Name - Name of the parent company who owns the job template to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to templates for a specific parent company only, you can key in the parent client name in this field if you know it. This field is only available if the Parent Client option is selected in the Template Type field.

Parent Client No - ID that uniquely identifies the parent company who owns the job template to which the agreement rates are assigned. To export agreement rates that are assigned to templates for a specific parent company only, you can key in the parent client number in this field if you know it. This field is only available if the Parent Client option is selected in the Template Type field.

Rate Rule Name - Name of the rate rule to which the rates belong. If you want to export template rates belonging to a specific rate rule only, key in the name of the rate rule in this field.

Hierarchy Group - Rate hierarchy group of the rate rule to which the template rates belong.
Note that the name of this field will depend on the configuration of the hierarchy group functionality for the country to which your user is assigned.

Export Type: Standard Rates

Country Name - Country of the job order to which the standard rates are assigned. This field defaults to Any Country to allow standard rates to be exported regardless of the country to which the corresponding job order belongs. To export standard rates for job orders that belong to a specific country only, select the relevant country in this field.

Office Code - Agency office of the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.
This field defaults to Any to allow standard rates to be exported regardless of the office to which the corresponding job order belongs. To export standard rates for job orders that belong to a specific office only, select the relevant office in this field.

Client No - ID that uniquely identifies the client who owns the job order to which the standard rates are assigned. To export standard rates for job orders that belong to a specific client only, you can key in the client number in this field if you know it.

Client Name - Name of the client who owns the job order to which the standard rates are assigned. To export standard rates that are assigned to job orders that belong to a specific client only, you can key the client name in this field.

ClientAddress - Street address of the client who owns the job order.

ClientSuburb - Address suburb/town/city of the client who owns the job order.

ClientState - Address state/province of the client who owns the job order.

ClientPostcode - Address postcode of the client who owns the job order.

ClientCountry - Address country of the client who owns the job order.

Parent Client No - ID that uniquely identifies the parent company who owns the job order to which the standard rates are assigned. To export standard rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific parent company only, you can key in the parent client number in this field if you know it.

Parent Client Name - Name of the parent company who owns the job order to which the standard rates are assigned. To export standard rates that are assigned to job orders for a specific parent company only, you can key in the parent client name in this field if you know it.

Job Order Status - Status of job orders for which standard rates are to be exported.
This field defaults to Any to allow exporting of job order standard rates regardless of job order status. To export standard rates for job orders that have a specific status only, select the relevant status in this field.

Export Type: Template Standard Rates

Template Type - Identifies the type of job template to which the standard rates are assigned.
For example, if you select Office the system will export standard rates that are assigned to job templates with a template type of Office only.

Template Country - Name of the country to which the job template corresponds. This field is only available if the Country option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can select the relevant country from the available list. Alternatively, you can select Any Country to find and export standard rates job templates regardless of the country to which the job templates belong.

Template Office - Office code and name of the agency office to which the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Office option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can select the relevant office from the available list. Alternatively, you can select Any to find and export standard rates job templates regardless of the office to which the job templates belong.

Cost Centre Name - Name of the client cost centre to which the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Cost Centre option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can key in the cost centre name in this field to find and export template standard rates by cost centre name.

Cost Centre No - Nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the client cost centre to which the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Cost Centre option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can key in the cost centre number in this field to find and export template standard rates by cost centre number.

Client Name - Name of the client to whom the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Client option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can key in the name of the client in this field to find and export template standard rates by client name.

Client No - Nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the client to whom the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Client option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can key in the client number in this field to find and export template standard rates by client number.

Parent Client Name - Name of the parent client to whom the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Parent Client option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can key in the name of the parent client in this field to find and export template standard rates by parent client name.

Parent Client No - Nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the parent client to whom the job template corresponds. This field is available only if the Parent Client option is selected in the Template Type field, in which case you can key in the parent client number in this field to find and export template standard rates by parent client number.

Template Name - Name of the job template to which the standard rates are assigned. If you want to export standard rates that belong to a specific template only, key the name of the template in this field.

Template Status - Identifies the status of the job template to which the standard rates are assigned. For example, if you select In Use, the system will only export standard rates that are assigned to job templates that are currently flagged as available for use.



Click Export Rates.

The rates are downloaded to the browser. The file will be available via your 'File Explorer' Download file, where you can re-name it and store in an appropriate network location.

Once the export file has been saved to a location of your choosing, you can open the file and update rates as required. For more information, see Editing the Exported Rates.


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