FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Identifying Unpaid Leave in the Leave Request Leave Calendar
The Leave Request screen, which shows the details of an individual leave request, displays a Leave Calendar tab that shows the day or days to which the leave request correlates. An enhancement has been made to highlight any unpaid leave days within the leave calendar and to display the reason for non-payment. This is highlighted in the example below.
Where a leave day is highlighted as being unpaid one of the following labels is displayed to identify the reason for the non-payment depending on the applicable condition:
Entitlement balance condition not met
Employment date condition not met
Days job scheduled condition not met
Payee conditional variable condition not met
Cancelled in pay batch (indicates the conditions for paying the leave were met but the payment was manually cancelled at the Leave Payments pay batch stage).
The reason for non-payment is only be displayed if the logged in user is an agency user.
A leave request can be unpaid due to multiple conditions not being met. Where this is the case, the Leave Calendar will show the first condition on the applicable Leave Taken deduction rule that is deemed to have failed when the system attempts to find an applicable Leave Taken deduction rule.
This enhancement helps users easily identify unpaid leave days and the reason for non-payment on the Leave Request calendar.
It allows users to search for leave requests based on the payment status. For example, if a user needs to identify which leave requests were processed in a pay batch but were entirely unpaid the user can search by the Not Processed payment state.
No configuration required.
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