FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Add Comments to a Timesheet


An enhancement has been completed in this release to provide the ability for comments to be added to Timesheets for both PC and Mobile Timesheets.

A new section called Comment has been added to the Timesheet. A comment can be added by a user that has access to the timesheet. For example, a Candidate User that is the initiator can add a comment that will be seen by the Client Contact or Agency User Approver. The person approving the Timesheet can also add a Comment. As comments added to Timesheets may be relevant to the pay process, they can also be seen in Interpreter Review (see Comments in Interpreter Review for details).

Where a user has created a comment, they will also be able to edit or delete the comment if required, whilst the Timesheet is still available to them.

  • Agency User – able to create and manage comments they have created on Timesheets they can access. An Agency User can also determine if the Comment can be seen by a Client Contact and or Candidate User that has access to the Timesheet - in case the Comment is not relevant to some participants. For example, the Comment may only be required for someone to view in the Interpreter.

  • Client Contact User – able to create and manage comments they have created on Timesheets they can access. A Client Contact user can also determine if a Comment can be seen by a Candidate User that has access to the Timesheet. Contact Users can view comments created by Candidate Users and view comments created by an Agency User if the user has ticked 'Display to Client Contact' on the comment.

  • Candidate User – able to create and manage comments they have created on Timesheets they can access. Candidate Users can view comments created by Client Contact Users and or Agency Users where those users have selected 'Display to Candidate' on the comment.

Comment activity will be recorded in a timesheet's Audit History, so users can see where changes have been made.


The enhancement provides users that can access timesheets with the ability to provide ad-hoc information relevant for timesheet approval and or the payroll process.


No configuration is required.


