FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Timesheet Key and Approve from one screen
In Time and Attendance, currently where a user is assigned to a Timesheet Workflow as both the Initiator AND the Approver, or the user can both key and approve a timesheet outside of a Timesheet Workflow, they have to complete the following steps:
Open the Available Tab
Locate the timesheet and open
Key in the Timesheet and select 'Submit'.
Open the Submitted Tab
Locate the timesheet and select Select the 'Approve' action.
This process is frustrating, as several steps are involved, when the user should be able to key, submit and Approve a timesheet from the one screen, rather than jumping into different tabs.
An enhancement has been completed in this release to display an additional Submit & Approve Action where:
The logged in user is an Agency User with Security Permission to 'Timesheet' (Full or Add or Edit) and 'Approve, Reject and Recall' (Full).
The logged in user is a Client Contact with Security Permission to 'Timesheet' (Full or Add or Edit) and 'Approve, Reject and Recall' (Full) AND they are in the timesheet workflow as an Approver.
This action is applicable to:
An 'Available' Timesheet.
An 'Incomplete' Timesheet
A 'Rejected' Timesheet
Both PC and Mobile Timesheet experiences.
Where the Timesheet Workflow contains multiple approvers, and the Submit & Approve action is selected, this will represent one user in the approval process for that User Type. For example, if there are two users in the approval workflow, then the timesheet will still need to be approved by the next User Type in the approval workflow (whether another Agency User or a Client Contact User) prior to release to the Interpreter Module.
Please be aware, as an Agency User, if there is only one Approver and it is a Client Contact, you will over-ride their approval process if you select Submit & Approve. If you don't need to Approve on behalf of the Client Contact, just select the standard Submit action.
This enhancement will save time for users that need to perform the actions of both the Initiator and Approver for a particular Timesheet.
No configuration is required.
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