FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

New Invoice and Credit Note Fields


The following new fields are now available for invoice/credit note formats that are created in Maintenance > Document Formats:

  • Invoice Create Date - prints the date on which the invoice was originally created (i.e. the date on which the status of the invoice was set to Open).

  • Debtor Corporate Identity No - prints the corporate identity number (for example, Australian Business Number or Inland Revenue Department Number) of the debtor to whom the invoice was issued.

Example of these new fields are highlighted below. Note that in the example below, the Debtor Corporate Identity No field has been configured to display a label of ABN to represent Australian Business Number.

The new fields are available for all invoice/credit note types.


This enhancement provides the ability to add additional information to an invoice/credit note where required.


The Invoice Create Date field is included in the Invoice Details – Header invoice layout component by default whenever a new invoice format is created in this release onward. If you require the invoice creation date to be printed on invoices that are generated using invoice formats that were created prior to this release, you must add the Invoice Create Date field to the invoice formats manually.

Likewise, the Debtor Corporate Identity No field is included in the Debtor Details – Header invoice layout component by default whenever a new invoice format is created in this release onward. If you require the debtor corporate identity number to be printed on invoices that are generated using invoice formats that were created prior to this release, you must add the Debtor Corporate Identity No field to the invoice formats manually.

For more information, see Configuring Document Formats and Invoice & Credit Note Components.

