FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Data Usage Graph Update
In a prior release, we created an Online Help page FastTrack360 Data Storage to provide some tools to assist you in managing your data storage. In this release we have made some changes (shown below) to the related Data Usage graph. The graph is accessed from the top ? menu, when you click on 'About FastTrack360' and the Data Usage tab.
In the example above, in the left hand graph, the environment is using 100% of its current licensed data storage (as shown in green). Additional usage will be displayed in red.
The right hand graph displays a further breakdown of the usage:
FastTrack (in blue) shows the amount of data storage being used by your FastTrack application.
Audit (in orange) shows the amount of data storage being used by the Audit Database.
Documents (in purple) shows the amount of data storage being used for documents (attachments).
For more information on how you can influence data storage, see the FastTrack360 Data Storage page.
Users can now see a more detailed breakdown of data storage.
No additional configuration is required to support this change, however as advised some settings can be changed to influence elements like the accepted file size for attachments. See FastTrack360 Data Storage for further information.