FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Timesheet Import Changes to Support No Credit Interpret V12.33P2
Currently where an Adjustment Timesheet is required, the import process must mimic what is required in the UI, for example:
In Historical the target timesheet is sourced (timesheet that requires changes).
The user creates an Adjustment Timesheet, which replicates the data that is in the target timesheet.
The user makes changes in the Adjustment Timesheet to support what the target timesheet should have been. For example if Start Time/ End Time was not correct for items, the Start and End Times are altered and / or if an Additional Item was incorrectly claimed, it is deleted.
The Adjustment Timesheet is then approved.
In interpretation the system compares the target timesheet to the Adjustment Timesheet and offsets (credits) any values that are on the target timesheet. This ensures that the Adjustment will only include the balance of changes to the target, so pay and bill is for any difference between the two.
In order to import an Adjustment Timesheet, the data provided must represent what the target timesheet should have looked like, so that the process for offset works correctly in interpretation.
This strategy may be limiting where data for Standard Rates is being imported from a VMS system, and adjustment data will only ever include the adjustment transactions. For example original timesheet had 8 Ordinary, plus a Reimbursement, and the hours should have been 7, so the data supplied for the adjustment is to either fully negate the 8 Ordinary to -8, and a subsequent adjustment has Ordinary of 7 hrs OR the adjustment is just for -1 Ordinary, in both cases no item would be supplied for Reimbursement, as that item is unchanged.
No Credit Interpret (NCI)
In this release we have provided the ability to avoid the credit process during interpretation (the process whereby the interpreter offsets the target timesheet values from the adjustment timesheet).
This new functionality can only be applied to Imported Timesheets for a Standard Rate Job, and will be triggered via a new setting in the timesheet import process called ‘No Credit Interpret’. Where true, this setting will ensure the data imported will be represented unchanged in the interpreted adjustment timesheets.
To support this requirement, the following changes have been made:
In Time & Attendance > Timesheet Import > Import Settings we have added a new checkbox labelled ‘No Credit Interpret’.
By default this item will not be ticked.
If a template is saved, this item’s state will be stored with the template (if ticked or unticked) so you can manage the setting with your templates.
Where ‘No Credit Interpret’ has been ticked, slight changes have been made to import validations as follows:
The existing validation to ensure that the first (original) Adjustment Only job timesheet for a weekending date must have positive values, will not be triggered. Note: This validation will not be triggered where the job is not flagged as Adjustment Only, as there are no zero result original timesheets generated.
The logic will check the timesheets job, and if the job has Agreement Rates assigned, the data for that job will be excepted as this process is not supported for Agreement Rate jobs. In the Exception Report an error will display 'Agreement Rate data is not supported for No Credit Interpretation.'
All other existing validations will apply.
Important Considerations
Grouping is still required if you wish to import more than one iteration of a timesheet in one file, for example Original and Adjustment data in one file. The ‘Adjustment Only’ setting in the job is only required if you want to treat all timesheet data including the first timesheet as adjustments.
If you Reject, Recall a NCI flagged timesheet in Time & Attendance, or Reverse from Interpreter and then make changes to the timesheet in the UI, it will still be interpreted without offsetting the original timesheet data (where it is an adjustment). We suggest you do not edit data in the UI, as data will no longer be as per the VMS, plus you cannot enter negative quantities in Time & Attendance, these can only be applied via Timesheet Import.
Where timesheets have been imported in error, they can be backed out via ‘Recall’ or ‘Reject’ if submitted, and then ‘Cleared’ in ‘Rejected or ‘Incomplete. If the timesheet has been ‘Approved’, providing it has not been released to Pay and or Bill, it can be 'Reversed’ from the Interpreter and then 'Cleared’ in Time & Attendance.
If you import iterations of a timesheet out of order ie; negative timesheets first, and then release these to pay prior to including other timesheet iterations for that week end date, there may be issues in the pay process as the net result may impact your ability to process the pay batch. For example, if it is the first timesheet for a new fiscal year, the YTD needs to be greater than zero, if not this will trigger an error preventing you from closing the pay batch.
Leave: Additional Item Leave is not supported out of order. The original positive quantity leave needs to be first and then, if incorrect, a subsequent adjustment is required to fully negate the quantity, prior to the next iteration with the correct positive quantity and or rate. This is to ensure that the corresponding Leave Requests are created, then cancelled, then re-created to support what is required. For example;
Original TS: 12.12.24 Annual Leave Qty 8
Adjustment TS: 1 - 12.12.24 Annual Leave Qty -8
Adjustment TS: 2 - 12.12.24 Annual Leave Qty 7.5.
This enhancement is designed to support data import from third party system, where:
import data needs to be honored exactly as per the VMS output.
iterations of a timesheet could potentially be imported out of order ie; adjustment prior to the target timesheet.
adjustment data needs to be ‘drip fed’ onto timesheets. For example worked items are imported first, and then expenses and or overtime items are imported later.
No additional configuration is required to support ‘No Credit Interpret’.
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