FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Pay Batch Creation - Warning of Proformas Pending
Where contractors are VAT registered, and receive pro-forma documents that are generated in Timesheet Interpreter, the VAT is calculated at the point the pro-forma document is created. The creation of the pro-forma document is initiated when a timesheet is set to be reviewed for pay. A service is running every 15 minutes to pick up pending pro-formas to be generated. If not enough time is given for the service to generate the VAT amount before the contractors are included in the pay batch, the VAT is not included as the figures on the pro-forma has to be used.
To help prevent that from happening, a warning has been added to the pay batch creation alerting users that there are contractors who still have pro-formas pending generation and if you wish to continue.
If Yes is selected, the contractors will still be included in the pay batch but the VAT will not be calculated. If No is selected, the creation of the pay batch will be terminated and the user should wait a few minutes before initiating another pay batch creation to give the system time to generate the values.
Users can check in Interpreter Review if the proformas have all be generated by see if the Proforma Remittance Id is populated for a contractor. If it is not populated for the contractors, the Proforma Remittance Id will be blank.
To filter for the relevant payees, the following could help to view the list of affected payees:
Select the Status for Reviewed for Pay or Reviewed for Pay and Bill
Enter the timesheet week ending date range
Secondary Parameter Tab - If you have defined contractors with a specific employment type or pay group, apply the required type.
Usually, a Proforma accompanies that the payee is on Contractor Payment Terms which is why Proformas are produced to inform them of what they are due to be paid. Filters for Payment Terms Name, or Date Type or Due Date can be applied to identify these payees.
Set the Proforma Remittance Exists to Yes.
If the Proforma Id column is not visible in the results grid, this column can be added via Manage Layout feature.
Once visible in the grid, If the Proforma Id is blank, this means the Proforma Id does not exist, either through that the payee does not have a proforma or that it is pending creation.
Alerts users that there is a pending process to calculate the VAT on the Proforma to then include in the pay batch.