FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Display of Interpreter Batch Error Warning Icon -V12.20P1


If an error is encountered when the Interpreter Service processes an Interpreter Batch, an error icon is shown next to the Interpreter > Interpreter Batch Enquiry option in the main FastTrack360 menu on the left-hand side of the application screen, as highlighted in the example below.

The error icon draws attention to the fact that there has been a timesheet interpretation error that requires actioning. Previously, the error icon was displayed for all unresolved, historical interpreter batch errors and continued to display until all of those errors were resolved.

An enhancement has been made in this release so that if an Interpreter Batch error occurs when the Interpreter Service attempts to process a batch, the error icon will be displayed for a maximum of one month from the batch date. That is, the error icon will no longer display if the batch error is rectified or if one month has elapsed since the batch date, whichever occurs first.


This enhancement ensures that the Interpreter Batch Error icon is only triggered by interpreter batch errors that are current as opposed to historic errors that are no longer relevant or no longer actionable.


No configuration required.

