FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Important Notices and Breaking Changes V12.20 and V12.20P1

The enhancements described in the related pages below represent significant functional changes that you must be aware of prior to upgrading to this release. Some of these enhancements require specific actions before or immediately after upgrading and are therefore highlighted here for your reference. Please refer to the relevant sections of this What’s New Guide, as identified below, for detailed information about each enhancement and any configuration that is required.

Please be aware of the following important points about upgrading to this release:

API Consumers

If you consume FastTrack360 APIs, there are enhancements/defect fixes and Breaking Changes that affect the Debtor API’s as a result of enhancements to support eInvoicing as follows:

  • The {country} parameter is no longer required in the API path for the POST/PUT/PATCH/GET Debtor APIs. For example, to create a Debtor via the API previously it was necessary to specify the path “POST/debtor/{country}” whereas now it is “POST/debtor”. However, it is important to note that reference APIs for Debtor still require the {country} parameter in the path.

  • To support the ability to set and retrieve the new eInvoicing invoice delivery method, the referenceData/deliveryMethod reference API has been enhanced to support the new debtor invoice delivery method (Id: 4).

  • The ''buyerReference”: “string” object has been added to the POST/PUT/PATCH Debtor API and must be supplied if “deliveryMethodId” is set to “4”. Also, when setting this new delivery method, the following pre-existing objects must be supplied:

    • debtorAddressLine1

    • debtorSuburb

    • debtorCity

    • debtorPostCode

    • debtorStateId (required only if debtorAddressCountryId corresponds to Australia)

    • debtorAddressCountryId

  • The GET Debtor API has been enhanced to return the new “buyerReference” object where the “deliveryMethodId” is set to “4”.
