FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
SMS - set character limit to prevent send (v12.15p2)
Currently the system displays the number of characters in an SMS message to the user, and advises where more than one message will be sent. In this release we have added the ability to prevent the message from being sent where a set character limit has been reached.
A new setting in Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > General Settings ‘SMS Send Character Limit:' has been added (see Configuration below for details). Where this setting has a value, the user will not be able to send the message where this has been exceeded.
The character count will still display as the user is typing the message, and will still advise where more than one message will be sent. Where a SMS limit has been set, if triggered the user will be advised of the limit and that it has been exceeded. If the user still wishes to send the message, they will need to reduce the character count to enable the Send action.
This enhancement provides an Agency with the ability to control whether multiple SMS messages can be sent and as such will assist to reduce the cost of SMS messages.
A new setting in Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > General Settings ‘SMS Send Character Limit:' Add a value to prevent SMS messages from being sent where this has been exceeded.
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