FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Report Publisher - Performance Improvements
To improve the performance when running reports created in the Report Module, we have made the following changes:
Views vs queries - from this release on, any new reports you create using the available data sources, will use queries and not views, which will improve the performance when running the report. Your old reports will still run using the views, however we are moving to eventually expire the views as they are very inefficient. To avoid issues in the future when we expire the views, we recommend you re-create any existing reports to take advantage of the new data source queries. This change will not impact any reports written with custom SQL queries.
Support from Flash to HTML viewer - in the past a Flash plugin has been required to support the reports module. In this release the dependency on Flash player has been removed and reports can now be run and managed using the native HTML viewer, which will improve performance.
These changes will improve performance when running reports created in the Report Module and will also greatly reduce time out issues where a report is attempting to run a large data query.
Your existing reports will run without any changes, however as stated above we recommend you update any reports using views to take advantage of the change to queries.
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