FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Important Notices and Breaking Changes V12.21

The enhancements described in the related pages below represent significant functional changes that you must be aware of prior to upgrading to this release. Some of these enhancements require specific actions before or immediately after upgrading and are therefore highlighted here for your reference. Please refer to the relevant sections of this What’s New Guide, as identified below, for detailed information about each enhancement and any configuration that is required.

Please be aware of the following important points about upgrading to this release:

  • Before upgrading, please ensure that no pay batches are being processed in the Payroll module. All pay batches must be closed before attempting to proceed with the upgrade.

On this page:

Bank Details for Payment of Deductions Via EFT/BACS

An enhancement has been made to deductions in this release whereby deduction headers, which are configured in Payroll > Maintenance > Deduction Header, now feature an Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction option. When enabled, the option allows the bank account details for deductions to be defined at the individual payee deduction level as opposed to being inherited from the deduction header.

Please be aware of the following before using this functionality:

Payee Deductions Linked to Existing Deduction Headers

If a payee deduction is linked to a deduction header where the Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction option is enabled, it is mandatory to define the bank details on the payee deduction otherwise, when the deduction is applied in a pay batch an error will occur when a user attempts to close the pay batch.

To prevent this from occurring it is recommended that if you intended to use the Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction option that you do either of the following:

  • Only enable the option on new deduction headers that are yet to be linked to any payee deductions. At the point of linking a payee deduction to the deduction header the bank details are enforced by the system on save of the payee record, so that ensures that all payee deductions, which link to that deduction header, have bank details defined.

  • If you enable the option on an existing deduction header that is already linked to payee deductions, use the Payee Deduction report (available under Reports > FT Standard Reports) to identify payees who do not have bank details defined against a deduction. The report has been enhanced to include a Bank Details column (highlighted in Figure 1 below), which shows one of the following:

    • Not Required – indicates that the listed payee deduction does not require bank details to be defined at the payee level

    • Exists – indicates that the listed payee deduction has bank details defined at the payee level

    • Missing – indicates that the listed payee deduction requires bank details at the payee level but the bank details are not defined.


Figure 1: Payee Deduction Report - Bank Details Column


Payee Deductions Linked to Existing Deduction Headers

 Ad-hoc deductions, which are added on-the-fly at the Gross or Net Deductions stages of a pay batch, do not support the ability to defined bank details at the individual payee level. If an ad-hoc deduction is linked to a deduction header where the Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction option is enabled, the ad-hoc deduction will not be output into a deduction EFT/BACS file. Therefore, it is recommended that ad-hoc deductions are not linked to deduction headers where the Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction option is enabled.

For more information, see EFT Deductions - Payment to Different Bank Accounts for Same Deduction Header.


Leave Type Configuration for Australia

The N/A option has been removed from the Paid Leave Type field of the Leave > Maintenance > Leave Type > Leave Type Entry screen. The N/A option was intended as an initial default when the Paid Leave Type field introduced in v12.10 to support Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 reporting requirements.

On upgrade to v12.10, if the Paid Leave Type field on a Leave Type is set to the N/A option, the option will automatically be defaulted to the Other Paid Leave (O) option instead. This is to ensure that paid leave can be reported via STP.

For more information about assigning a paid leave type to leave, see Identifying Paid Leave Types (AU only) - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence ( and Reporting of paid leave & STP Phase 2 - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence (

API Consumers

If you consume FastTrack360 APIs, there are enhancements/defect fixes and Breaking Changes you should be aware of in the V12.21 release.

Below is the detail of the changes. Please review them carefully to ensure you understand any possible impact to your integrations.

AU Payee API

  1. The SFFS field is no longer supported in the POST, PUT, PATCH or GET payee/au and payeeValidityPeriod/au APIs.

NZ Payee API

  1. When creating or updating a Payee record via the POST, PUT or PATCH payee/nz and payeeValidityPeriod/nz, the following business rules are now enforced:

Business Rule

Error Message

Business Rule

Error Message

The following rules apply if the payee tax type = PAYE


Tax Rate cannot be supplied unless the payee’s tax code is STC.

Payee Tax Details: Tax Rate cannot be supplied unless tax code is STC.

If Tax Code = STC then Tax Rate and/or SL Rate must be provided.

Payee Tax Details: Tax Rate or SL Rate must be provided if tax code is STC.

If SDR = TRUE then Tax Code must be one of the following:

  • M SL

  • ME SL

  • S SL

  • SB SL

  • SH SL

  • ST SL

Payee Tax Details: SDR can only be applied to student loan tax codes.

If SLCIR = TRUE then Tax Code must be one of the following:

  • M SL

  • ME SL

  • S SL

  • SB SL

  • SH SL

  • ST SL

Payee Tax Details: SLCIR can only be applied to student loan tax codes.

If the tax code is a student loan tax code (i.e. has an ‘SL’ suffix) and SDR = TRUE then SL Rate cannot be NULL.

Payee Tax Details: SL Rate must be provided if payee has an SDR.

If the tax code is a student loan tax code (i.e. has an ‘SL’ suffix) and SLCIR = TRUE then SLCIR Rate cannot be NULL.

Payee Tax Details: SLCIR Rate must be provided if payee is subject to a SLCIR.

If the tax code is a student loan tax code (i.e. has an ‘SL’ suffix) and SDR = TRUE then SLCIR and SLCIR Rate must be NULL

Payee Tax Details: SDR and a SLCIR cannot apply at the same time.

If the tax code is a student loan tax code (i.e. has an ‘SL’ suffix) and SLCIR = TRUE then SDR must be FALSE and SL Rate must be NULL.

Payee Tax Details: SDR and a SLCIR cannot apply at the same time.

If Tax Code = ND then IRD Number must be NULL

Payee Tax Details: IRD Number cannot be supplied if Tax Code is ND.

Tax code that is supplied must be one of the following valid tax codes:

  • M

  • ME

  • NSW

  • SB

  • S

  • SH

  • ST

  • CAE

  • EDW

  • M SL

  • ME SL

  • S SL

  • SB SL

  • SH SL

  • ST SL

  • ND

  • STC

  • SA

  • SA SL

Payee Tax Details: Tax Code is invalid.

The following rules apply if the payee tax type = Contractor


If Schedular Payments = TRUE and Exempt From Withholding = FALSE then Withholding Rate cannot be NULL.

Contractor Tax Details: Withholding Rate is mandatory if payee is subject to Schedular Payments.

If Schedular Payments = TRUE and Exempt From Withholding = TRUE then Withholding Rate must be NULL.

Contractor Tax Details: Withholding Rate cannot be supplied if payee is exempt from withholding.

If Schedular Payments = FALSE then Withholding Rate must be NULL

Contractor Tax Details: Withholding Rate cannot be supplied if payee is not subject to Schedular Payments.

If Schedular Payments = FALSE then Exempt from Withholding must be FALSE.

Contractor Tax Details: Exempt from Withholding cannot be supplied if payee is not subject to Schedular Payments.

AU and NZ Debtor API

The POST, PUT, PATCH and GET debtor API has been enhanced to support setting and retrieving the value of the Populate Order Reference From field, which was added to the Debtor record in v12.20P2 to support eInvoicing for Australia and New Zealand.

FT Standard Report Changes

In this release we are removing the duplicate Skill Expiry Report and updating the Candidate Skill Expiry Report (see FT Standard Report Changes for details). Please note that if you have the Skill Expiry Report included in a Report Schedule, on upgrade this scheduled report will not be delivered. To use this new report you will need to:

  • Find the Report in Report Module > FT Standard Reports > Recruitment Folder.

  • Export the Report and import to one of your Folders.

  • Configure a schedule for the Candidate Skill Expiry Report.
