Re-submission of Successful STP EOFY Batch (AU Only) V12.10P3

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Re-submission of Successful STP EOFY Batch (AU Only) V12.10P3


It is now possible to resubmit a Single Touch Payroll (STP) End of Financial Year batch that has been successfully sent to, and accepted by, the ATO.

To facilitate this, the Send button on the Payroll > ATO Report > STP EOFY screen is now enabled when an STP EOFY batch that has a submission status of Completed is selected, as shown in the example below.


This enhancement provides a means of troubleshooting finalised STP data without necessarily having to process separate adjustment batches to generate an STP report that can be submitted to amend STP data that has already been reported to the ATO and has been finalised.

It is recommended that re-submission of an EOFY batch that has been successfully submitted to the ATO only be done if you need to troubleshoot an issue at the pay company level (for example: financial year was finalised with wrong pay company ABN/ABN branch number) or you need to correct an issue that affects a large number of payees (for example: numerous payees' earnings were finalised with the wrong income type).

If you need to to make corrections to individual payees' STP data for a financial year that has already been successfully finalised, as may be necessary if a payee refunds an overpayment for a period in a finalised financial year, a balancing payments adjustment pay batch should be processed for the relevant adjustment period in the finalised financial year. For more information, see Making Amendments to Information Reported Through STP.


No configuration required.

Note that if your system is configured to send notifications to payees when their earnings are finalised at the end of a financial year through STP so that payees can access their income statements from MyGov, the notifications will be resent to all payees of the corresponding pay company when an STP EOFY batch is re-submitted. Therefore, before re-submitting an STP EOFY batch it is recommended that you temporarily turn off EOFY Finalisation Notifications under Payroll > Maintenance > Pay Company > STP Notifications unless you want to notify all payees that their finalised income statement has been updated.

For more information, see Configuration of STP Notifications.



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