Pay Batch Payee List Changes

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Pay Batch Payee List Changes


To improve usability and improve system performance, a number of changes have been made that affect how payees are listed, found and selected within the list of payees that are included in a pay batch.


The list of payees in a pay batch is now displayed across a series of individual pages if the list is too long to display within a single page. You can navigate between pages by using the controls that appear when you scroll to the bottom of the payee list, as shown in the example below.

By default, a maximum of 200 payees will be displayed per page but you can reduce or increase that number by selecting an option from the page size control, which is also displayed at the bottom of the payee list, as show below.

Page sizes of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 can be selected. However, if page size is set to more than 200 system performance may begin to be affected. For example, you may experience reduced speed in each page of payees loading when navigating between pages.

Therefore, it is recommended that the page size is kept to a maximum of 200.

Payee Filtering

The payee search functionality that was available on each screen of the Pay Batch Wizard, which allowed you to find payees in a pay batch by the payee number, payee surname and/or payee first name, has been removed and has been replaced by the ability to filter the list of payees by values in a specific column or combination of columns that are displayed in the payee list.

To facilitate this, a text field is now displayed at the top of each column in the payee list, as shown in the example below.


As you type text into these fields, the list of payees is filtered so that any records that do not match the text you are typing will be filtered out (hidden) from the list. This allows you to find specific payees who you need to action.

For example, keying smith at the top of the Payee Surname column filters out any payees whose surnames do not contain the character sequence smith.

Filtering out payees from the list does not remove the payees from the pay batch; it temporarily hides those payees who do not match the filters that you apply so that you can find and check or action specific payees.

Whenever you move a pay batch to a new stage, any filters that had been applied previously are cleared. That ensures that whenever a new pay batch stage is loaded, all payees who are included in the pay batch are listed by default.

The column filter fields are displayed by default but you can hide them to make more room on the screen for displaying the list of payees by clicking the Hide Filter button, as shown in the example below.

Warning on Close of Batch

If you attempt to close the pay batch at the Review pay batch stage while the list of payees is filtered, and therefore not all of the payees in the pay batch are showing in the payee list, the following confirmation message is displayed:


This is a warning message only to indicate that if you close the pay batch, payments will be committed for all payees in the batch, not just those that are currently visible in the payee list due to the filtering that has been applied.

Payee Selection

The existing select all checkbox in the top right-hand corner of the payee list allows you to select all payees. An example of the select all checkbox is shown below.

If you tick the select all checkbox while the payee list is filtered, the selection will apply only to those payees who are currently listed. Payees who are currently filtered out of the list will not be selected. This is useful if, for example, you need to remove payees from the pay batch because you can filter the payee list to hide all payees except those who are to be removed from the batch. You can then tick the select all checkbox to select the entire subset of payees who are currently listed and then you can click the Remove Payees button to remove those payees from the batch. The payees who are filtered out of the list remain unaffected.

However, if you select payees before applying any filtering to the list, either individually or by ticking the select all checkbox, the payees who were selected prior to applying the filtering will remain selected despite not being listed.

Payee List Statistics

Statistics are displayed at the top of the payee list that inform the following:

  • total number of payees currently included in the pay batch

  • the number of payees currently listed in the payee list based on the filtering applied (i.e. total number of payees in the pay batch minus those who are hidden due to the filtering that is currently applied, if any)

  • the number of payees that are currently selected.

An example of this is shown below.

In the example above, there is a total of 50001 payees in the pay batch but only 991 are currently listed because of filters that have been applied. Of the 991 that are listed, 997 of the payees are selected.


The pagination of the payee list improves system performance by reducing the maximum number of payees that are retrieved and displayed at a single time, thereby allowing each stage of a pay batch to be loaded quicker.

The ability to filter the payee list by any attribute that is displayed in the list and the changes to how selection of all payees works when the list is filtered facilitates the ability to easily find and action a specific subset of payees in a pay batch.


No configuration required.

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