FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Important Notices and Breaking Changes - V12.18

The enhancements described in the related pages below represent significant functional changes that you must be aware of prior to upgrading to this release. Some of these enhancements require specific actions before or immediately after upgrading and are therefore highlighted here for your reference. Please refer to the relevant sections of this What’s New Guide, as identified below, for detailed information about each enhancement and any configuration that is required.

Please be aware of the following important points about upgrading to this release:

  • Before upgrading, please ensure that no pay batches are being processed in the Payroll module. All pay batches must be closed before attempting to proceed with the upgrade.

WorkCover Calculations on Superannuation and Salary Sacrifice

Rules defined under Payroll Australia > Maintenance > WorkCover > Super & Salary Sacrifice Rules determine if superannuation and other salary sacrificed wages are rateable for the purposes of calculating WorkCover liabilities. These rules are defined separately for each state and territory of Australia.

In this release an issue has been fixed whereby the system was erroneously using to the state/territory to which the office code of a job order is linked to determine which of the abovementioned rules to apply. Instead, the system now refers to the WorkCover state/territory that is selected in the Pay/Bill section of the job order to determine which state/territory applies, as is the expected functionality.

Please be aware that due to this fix you could see a change in WorkCover liability calculations as the state/territory from which the rules are derived may change for some job orders.

API Consumers

If you consume FastTrack360 APIs, there are enhancements/defect fixes you should be aware of:

Bulk Interpreter Import

  1. Updates to the GET /interpretedTimesheets method to include the new item type of Import for the returned Pay/Bill values.

  2. A new API POST /interpretedTimesheets/interpreterManualItems has been added to support the ability to add items to an interpreted timesheet.

AU Payee API

  1. PATCH /payee/au API now supports the ability to save ABN to a company-type Payee record not registered for GST

  2. POST payeeValidityPeriod/au/ has been changed to enforce the same validation as the UI where a payee cannot be altered when they are included in an open pay batch.

GET /clients

  1. The GET clients using a filter in 319 release version would return no results. This issue has been resolved in 320.

  2. You can now retrieve client record with "AlternateNumber" and Migration ID.

POST Temp/Contract/Perm Job order – You can now create a job order where the order by contact is not defined.

POST/PUT/PATCH Temp + Contract Job Orders – Possible Breaking Change

We have analysed the below changes and we have minimal traffic using these methods so the risk to impacting your consumption is low but worth checking.

  1. There is a change to the values that can be provided in the payeeTaxType fields to cater for the new supplier entity. This change expects new values for all types so if you utilise this field or the SubmitToTimesheet action you will need to check you are supplying the correct values. A new reference API reference/PayeeTaxTypes that exposes the expected values you need to provide.

  2. There is a change to the SubmitToTimesheet process for the new supplier-based payees. This change ONLY applies where the new supplier functionality is utilised. It is now possible to create multiple supplier-based payees of the same PayeeTaxType for the same candidate. This means on submit to timesheet if there are multiple payees the system will provide a response “Candidate has multiple payee records of the same tax type. A payee identifier is required” and the submit to timesheet will fail. In this situation you will now need to call the new API GET tempjobs/JobOrderSupplierPayees/ select the right PayeeID and call the PATCH Temp or Contract job order providing the PayeeID and re-submit to Timesheet. 

Even if you aren't impacted by the possible breaking change, we still recommend checking your integrations. We also highly recommend changing your path as part of this upgrade to consume API version 320.
