FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Database Schema Changes V12.33
The table below identifies all other database schema changes that have been made to support this release. These changes may have an impact on reports that have been created using custom queries.
It is important to check your custom reports prior to upgrade to ensure they are working as expected. If you find any issues with data, the information below should assist you to make any changes required.
Table | Field | Action | Comment/Extended Property Description |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayeeSalarySacrificeAdjustmentHistoryUK] | Â | Deleted | Â |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayeeSalarySacrificeAdjustmentUK] | Â | Deleted | Â |
[rar].[NationalMinimumWageGrossWageBatchLink] | Â | Deleted | Â |
[rar].[NationalMinimumWageGrossWageBatchLinkHistory] | Â | Deleted | Â |
[dbo].[ManualItem] | LeaveRequestTimeId | Field Added | Foreign Key to [rar].[LeaveRequestTime table |
[rar].[EmployerPensionContributionsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK] | Sacrifice | Field Added | Decimal (38, 6) NULL |
[rar].[EmployerPensionContributionsGrossWageBatchUK] | Sacrifice | Field Added | Decimal (38, 6) NULL |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayslipPayeePensionUK] | SalarySacrifice | Field Added | DECIMAL (38, 6) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayslipPayeePensionUK] | SalarySacrificeYTD | Field Added | DECIMAL (38, 6) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL |
[rar].[LeaveResetRule] | ResetCarryoverAfterValue | Field Added | Decimal (38, 6) NULL |
[rar].[LeaveResetRule] | CarryoverResetPeriodType_no | Field Added | TINYINT NULL |
[rar].[LeaveResetRule] | TransferBalanceIntoCarryoverPot | Field Added | BIT DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL |
[rar].[LeaveTransaction] | IsCarryover | Field Added | BIT NULL |
[rar].[LeaveTransaction] | CarryoverExpiryDate | Field Added | DATE NULL |
[rar].[LeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | IsCarryover | Field Added | BIT NULL |
[rar].[LeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | CarryoverExpiryDate | Field Added | DATE NULL |
[rar].[PayCode] | AttendanceDetailId | Field Added | INT NULL |
[rar].[PayCode] | DefaultAttendanceStartTime | Field Added | TIME (7) NULL |
[rar].[PayeePayrollChildRelatedPaymentEpisodesUK] | EmployerPensionContributionAdjustmentAmount | Field Added | Decimal (38, 6) NULL |
[rar].[PayeePayrollChildRelatedPaymentEpisodesUK] | EmployerPensionableEarningsAdjustmentAmount | Field Added | Decimal (38, 6) NULL |
[rar].[PayeeTaxYTDUK] | PensionSalarySacrificeYTD | Field Added | Decimal (38, 6) NULL |
[rar].[PensionAutoEnrolmentsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK] | IsSalarySacrifice | Field Added | BIT NULL |
[rar].[PensionAutoEnrolmentsGrossWageBatchUK] | IsSalarySacrifice | Field Added | BIT NULL |
[rar].[PensionProviderOutputs] | SalarySacrificeEnabled | Field Added | BIT CONSTRAINT [DF_ensionProviderOutputs_SalarySacrificeEnabled] DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL |
[rar].[PensionSchemes] | SalarySacrifice | Field Added | BIT CONSTRAINT [DF_PensionSchemes_SalarySacrifice] DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL |
[rar].[PensionSchemes] | NonSalarySacrificeSchemeName | Field Added | VARCHAR (50) NULL |
[rar].[PensionSchemes] | PayslipSalarySacrificeName | Field Added | VARCHAR (50) NULL |
[rar].[PensionSchemeValidity] | SalarySacrificePayCode | Field Added | INT NULL |
[rar].[RemovedLeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | IsCarryover | Field Added | BIT NULL |
[rar].[RemovedLeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | CarryoverExpiryDate | Field Added | DATE NULL |