FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Important Notices and Breaking Changes V12.19

The enhancements described in the related pages below represent significant functional changes that you must be aware of prior to upgrading to this release. Some of these enhancements require specific actions before or immediately after upgrading and are therefore highlighted here for your reference. Please refer to the relevant sections of this What’s New Guide, as identified below, for detailed information about each enhancement and any configuration that is required.

Please be aware of the following important points about upgrading to this release:

  • Before upgrading, please ensure that no pay batches are being processed in the Payroll module. All pay batches must be closed before attempting to proceed with the upgrade.

API Consumers

If you consume FastTrack360 APIs, there are enhancements/defect fixes and Breaking Changes you should be aware of in the upcoming Australian 2023-2024 compliance release, 12.19 V3.21.

Below is the detail of the changes. Please review them carefully to ensure you understand any possible impact to you integrations.

NZ Payee API

  1. GET/POST/PUT/PATCH NZ Payee updates

    1. It is no longer possible to apply changes to a payee record when that payee is included in a current open pay batch.

    2.  now supports the ability to save GSTNumber to a company-type Payee record not registered for GST

    3. It is now possible to update the following fields outside of the validity period for Payee Type Contractor;

      • companyName

      • tradingName

      • gstRegistered

      • insurance

      • policyExpiryDate

      • gstNumber

      • gstRegistrationDate

  2. Supplier - Breaking Change – Its now possible to link a payee to a supplier where the payee is of type Supplier. You should use the supplier APIs to find the validate supplier ID to apply the following;

    1. Payee Type - A new field has been added to define the type of payee and this must be provided. The acceptable values include;

      • PAYE

      • Contractor

      • Umbrella – Can be linked to a Supplier.

      • 3rd Tier Agency – Can be linked to a Supplier.

      • Use the reference API reference data/TaxTypesPayeeTypes to supply the expected values.

    2. Field Inheritance Changes - When adding a payee of type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency the following fields are inherited from the linked Supplier and cannot be provided;

      • paymentMethodId

      • payslipMessage

      • payslipDeliveryMethodId

      • payslipFormatGroupId

      • proformaRemittance

      • proformaRemittanceDeliveryMethodId

      • proformaRemittanceEmailTemplateId

      • proformaRemittanceStartingID

      • companyName

      • tradingName

      • gstRegistered

      • ABN

      • insurance

      • policyExpiryDate

      • voluntaryAgreement

      • CIRwitholding

      • companyAddress1

      • companyAddress2

      • companySuburb

      • companyPostCode

      • companyCountry

      • companyCity

      • overrideContractorPaymentTerm

      • contractorPaymentTermsId

      • Banking

      • KiwiSaverDetails

    3. Reference Data – New reference data API’s have been added to support the supplier feature;

      • referenceData/supplierType

      • referenceData/businessType

      • referenceData/payslipDeliveryMethod

      • referenceData/documentFormatGroup

      • referenceData/paymentTerm

      • referenceData/state

      • referenceData/country

      • referenceData/proformaDeliveryMethod

      • referenceData/proformaEmailTemplate

  3.  Contractor Payment Terms - Breaking Change - With the introduction of Contractor Payment Terms feature the following new fields have been added to the payee payload to assign payment terms;

    1. overridePaymentTerm

    2. contractorPaymentTermsid

      • The terms can be determined with the new reference data API referenceData/mo/contractorPaymentTerms/{country}

AU Payee API

  1. AU Payee updates;

    1. It is no longer possible to apply changes to a payee record when that payee is included in a current open pay batch.

    2. It is now possible to update the following fields outside of the validity period for Payee Type Company;

      • companyName

      • tradingName

      • gstRegistered

      • insurance

      • policyExpiryDate

      • ABN

      • gstRegistrationDate

      • gstDeregistrationDate

    3. PATCH /payee/au API;

      • now supports the ability to save ABN to a company-type Payee record not registered for GST.

      • Breaking Change – supports the ability to supply the STP cessation reason for a terminate payee


      • Superannuation Income Stream option is being removed from the PAYG Tax Details\Basis of Payment field as a valid option.

      • Will now prevent a payee record being created or updated with the following invalid field combinations;


Error Message

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Seniors & Pensioner’s Tax Offset (SAPTO) status of Single and claiming a Medicare Levy Adjustment (MLA) with zero dependents

 PAYG Tax Details: Payee’s SAPTO status cannot be Single if number of dependents for Medicare Levy Adjustment is zero.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

  • Tax Status = Working Holiday Maker

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied if Tax Status is Working Holiday Maker.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • STSL (exc. SFSS) = TRUE

  • Tax Status = Working Holiday Maker

PAYG Tax Details: STSL cannot be applied if Tax Status is Working Holiday Maker.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Offset Claimed = TRUE

  • Tax Status = Working Holiday Maker

PAYG Tax Details: Tax Offset cannot be applied if Tax Status is Working Holiday Maker.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Status = Foreign Resident

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 3

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied to Foreign Residents

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Status = Foreign Resident

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 3

  • Tax Offset Claimed = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Tax Offset cannot be applied to Foreign Residents

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 4a or Tax Scale 4b

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied if Tax Scale is 4a or 4b.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 4a or Tax Scale 4b

  • STSL (exc. SFSS) = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: STSL cannot be applied if Tax Scale is 4a or 4b.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 4a or Tax Scale 4b

  • Tax Offset Claimed = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Tax Offset cannot be applied if Tax Scale is 4a or 4b.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Variation

  • Variation Type = Downward Variation

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied if Tax Scale is Downward Variation

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Variation

  • Variation Type = Downward Variation

  • STSL (exc. SFSS) = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: STSL cannot be applied if Tax Scale is Downward Variation

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Variation

  • Variation Type = Downward Variation

  • Tax Offset Claimed = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Tax Offset cannot be applied if Tax Scale is Downward Variation

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Variation

  • Variation Type = Upward Variation

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied if Tax Scale is Upward Variation

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Variation

  • Variation Type = Upward Variation

  • Tax Offset Claimed = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Tax Offset cannot be applied if Tax Scale is Upward Variation

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 1

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied if Tax Scale 1 applies.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 1

  • Tax Offset Claimed = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Tax Offset cannot be applied if Tax Scale 1 applies.

The API call would result in the Payee record being created or updated for an invalid field combination:

  • Tax Scale = Tax Scale 5

  • Medicare Levy Adjustment = TRUE

PAYG Tax Details: Medicare Levy Adjustment cannot be applied if Tax Scale 5 applies.

  1. Supplier - Breaking Change – Its now possible to link a payee to a supplier where the payee is of type Supplier. You should use the supplier APIs to find the validate supplier ID to apply the following;

    1. Payee Type - New values are available for this field to support the supplier feature. The acceptable values include;

      • PAYG - Individual Non-Business 

      • PAYG - Labour Hire

      • Company

      • Umbrella – Can be linked to a Supplier.

      • 3rd Tier Agency – Can be linked to a Supplier.

      • Use the reference API reference data/TaxTypesPayeeTypes to supply the expected values.

    2. Field Inheritance Changes - When adding a payee of type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency the following fields are inherited from the linked Supplier and cannot be provided;

      • paymentMethodId

      • payslipMessage

      • payslipDeliveryMethodId

      • payslipFormatGroupId

      • proformaRemittance

      • proformaRemittanceDeliveryMethodId

      • proformaRemittanceEmailTemplateId

      • proformaRemittanceStartingID

      • companyName

      • tradingName

      • gstRegistered

      • ABN

      • insurance

      • policyExpiryDate

      • voluntaryAgreement

      • CIRwitholding

      • companyAddress1

      • companyAddress2

      • companySuburb

      • companyPostCode

      • companyCountry

      • companyCity

      • overrideContractorPaymentTerm

      • contractorPaymentTermsId

      • Banking

      • SuperannuationDetails

    3.  Reference Data – New reference data API’s have been added to support the supplier feature;

      • referenceData/supplierType

      • referenceData/businessType

      • referenceData/payslipDeliveryMethod

      • referenceData/documentFormatGroup

      • referenceData/paymentTerm

      • referenceData/state

      • referenceData/country

      • referenceData/proformaDeliveryMethod

      • referenceData/proformaEmailTemplate

  2. Contractor Payment Terms - Breaking Change - With the introduction of Contractor Payment Terms feature the following new fields have been added to the payee payload to assign payment terms;

    1. overridePaymentTerm

    2. contractorPaymentTermsid

      • The terms can be determined with the new reference data API referenceData/mo/contractorPaymentTerms/{country}

UK Payee API (New)

  1. UK Payee API’s

    • GET /payee/uk/{{payeeid}}

    • GET /payee/uk?candidateId={{ActiveCandidateId}}

    • POST /payee/uk

    • PUT /payee/uk/{{payeeId}}

    • PATCH /payee/uk/{{payeeId}}

  2. UK Payee Validity API’s

    • POST /payee/uk/ValidityPeriod/{{Payeeid}}

    • POST /payee/uk/hmrcValidityPeriod/{{Payeeid}}

    • PUT /payee/uk/{{payeeid}}/validityPeriod/{{payeevalidityperiodid}}

    • PATCH /payee/uk/{{payeeid}}/validityperiod/{{payeevalidityperiodid}}

  3. UK Payee Allowance API’s

    • POST /payee/uk/{{Payeeid}}/validityPeriod/{{payeevalidityperiodid}}/allowance

  4. UK Payee Deduction API’s

    • POST /payee/uk/{{Payeeid}}/validityPeriod/{{payeevalidityperiodid}}/deduction

  5. UK Payee Banking API’s

    • POST /payee/uk/{{payeeId}}/validityPeriod/{{payeevalidityperiodid}}/banking

    • DELETE /payee/uk/{{payeeId}}/banking

  6. UK Payee Attachment API’s

    • GET /payee/uk/{{payeeid}}/attachment/{{attachmentId}}

    • GET /payee/uk/{{payeeid}}/attachment/

    • POST /payee/uk/{{PayeeId}}/attachment

    • DELETE /payee/uk/{{payeeId}}/attachment/{{attachmentId}}

  7. UK Payee Pension API’s

    • POST /payee/uk/{{Payeeid}}/pension

    • PATCH }/payee/uk/{{PayeeId}}/pension

  8. Reference Data API Changes – Additional reference data objects have been added to support using the UK Payee API;

    • referencedata/mo/payCompany/uk

    • referencedata/businessType/uk

    • referencedata/mo/starterdeclaration/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/statutorypaymenttype/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/studentloantype/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/nicategories

    • referencedata/mo/taxregime/uk

    • referencedata/mo/payGroup/uk

    • referencedata/mo/paymentMethod/uk

    • referencedata/mo/rateType/uk

    • referencedata/mo/payslipFormatGroup/uk/

    • referencedata/mo/postgraduateloantype/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/pensionproviders/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/pensionschemes/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/pensionenrolmentid/uk/{payeeId}

    • referencedata/mo/pensionpostponementtype/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/pensionpostponementid/uk/{payeeId}

    • referencedata/mo/terminationreason/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/payeevalidityperiod/uk/{payeeId}

    • referencedata/mo/payeehmrcvalidityperiod/uk/{payeeId}

    • referencedata/mo/allowance/uk/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/deductionName/uk/

    • referencedata/mo/payeeCustomField/uk

    • referencedata/mo/currencycodes/{id}

    • referencedata/mo/lastpayperiodenddateprocessedin/uk/{payeeId}

UK Pay Group - Pay Period Generation

There was an error occurring when generating pay periods for tax year end 2023/2024 for week 53 which has now been resolved. Please ensure that you click the Rollover button to generate the final period of that tax year. It is recommended that you also generate the next tax year period dates to ensure that there are enough pay periods for determining statutory payments and postponement periods when coming to the end of tax year 2023/2024.
