FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Pay/Bill Email Templates - Email Templates for Proforma Remittance Delivery (CPT & v12.15p2)
Where a contractor is to receive a proforma invoice of their expected payment that is due, the invoice needs to be attached to an email.
The configuration and maintenance of a new type of email template called Proforma Remittance has been added to Maintenance > Pay/Bill Email Templates, as shown in the example below.
Email templates with a type of Proforma Remittance can be applied to a payee via the Proforma Remittance Email Template field on the Payroll > Payee > Payee Entry > Payslip Details > Proforma Remittance screen to allow a payee to be emailed interim pay advice prior to being paid.
Merge tags can be added (click on the merge tag required and click the double arrow to add into the body) to personalise the email that the contractor will receive.
This enhancement complements the introduction of the ability to issue payees interim pay advice prior that informs payees of their expected pay amount before their timesheets are processed in a pay batch and paid. If the interim pay advice is to be delivered to payees via email, this enhancement allows the email templates for delivering the interim pay advice to be configured and maintained.
For more information, see Issuing Proforma Remittance Advice.
If interim pay advice is to be delivered to payees via email, the email templates that will be used for delivery must be configured in Maintenance > Pay/Bill Email Templates. For more information about creating email templates, see Pay and Bill Email Templates.
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