FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
General Payslip Fields (Australia Only)
The following table outlines the general payslip database fields that can be included within the document format payslip components for Australia. The general database field options are provided for the following components:
Pay Company Details
Payee Details
Payslip Header Details
Payslip Details
Payslip Totals
Payslip Totals YTD
Payslip Message.
Database Field Name | Description |
@CurrentDate | Displays the date on which the payslips was generated. |
@CurrentDateTime | Displays the date and time at which the payslip was generated. |
@PageNo | Displays the current page number on the payslip. |
CandidateNumber | Displays system-generated ID that uniquely identifies the candidate to which a payee is linked. |
CurrentDeductions | Displays the total of all gross and net deductions deducted from the payee's earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated, with the exception of the following deduction types: |
CurrentEmployerSuper | Displays the total amount of employer superannuation contributions accrued by the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentGross | Displays the total gross amount earned by the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentGrossDeductions | Displays the total amount of deductions deducted from the payee's gross earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
Current GST | Displays the total amount of GST paid including GST Adjustment to the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
Current GST Adjustment | Displays the GST adjustment value made to the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
Current GST Adjustment Description | Displays the reason for the adjustment to GST. |
Current GST Adjustment Type | Displays the type of adjustment: if the GST adjustment is negative, the adjustment type is Credit Note. If the adjustment value is positive it will display Invoice. This should only be used if the adjustment is separated onto a separate payslip. |
CurrentNet+GST | Displays the total net amount earned by the payee in the pay batch plus GST |
CurrentHELP | Displays the total amount of Higher Education Loan Program payments withheld from the payee's earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentNet | Displays the total net amount earned by the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentNetDeductions | Displays the total amount of deductions deducted from the payee's net earnings in the pay period to which the payslip corresponds. |
CurrentNonTaxableAllowances | Displays the total amount of non-taxable allowances paid to the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentReimbursement | Displays the total amount of reimbursements paid to the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentSFSS | Displays the amount of Student Financial Supplement Scheme payments withheld from the payee's earning in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentSTSL | Displays the amount of Study and Training Support Loan tax that has been withheld from the payee's earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentTaxableAllowances | Displays the total amount of taxable allowances paid to the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentTaxLevy | Displays the amount of levy tax withheld from the payee's earning during the pay period to which the payslip corresponds. |
CurrentTotalAllowances | Displays the total amount of taxable and non-taxable allowances paid to the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentTotalDeductions | Displays the total of all gross and net deductions deducted from the payee's earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentTotalSuper | Displays the total superannuation contribution amount accrued by the payee in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentTotalTax | Displays the total amount of tax withheld and deducted from the payee's earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
CurrentWitholdingTax | Displays the total amount of tax withheld from the payee's earnings in the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
EmploymentType | Displays the payee's employment type. |
GST Total | This value is used for Supplier based payslips to show the total GST including GST Adjustments for all payees within the payslip generated for the period. |
HomeOffice | Displays the agency office by the candidate, to whom the payee is linked, is managed. |
PayBatchNumberEmail | Displays the pay batch number that uniquely identifies the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. |
PayCompanyABN | Displays the Australian Business Number of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyAddress1 | Displays Address Line 1 of the mailing address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyAddress2 | Displays Address Line 2 field of the mailing address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyAddress3 | Displays the suburb, state and postcode of the mailing address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyCountry | Displays the mailing address country of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyEmail | Displays the email address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyMessage | Displays the contents of the Payslip Message field on the Payslip Details tab of the Pay Company record of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyName | Displays the name of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyPhone | Displays the telephone number of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyPostCode | Displays the postcode for the mailing address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyState | Displays the state for the mailing address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanySuburb | Displays the suburb for the mailing address of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayCompanyTradeName | Displays the trading name of the pay company that issues the payslip. |
PayeeAddress1 | Displays Address Line 1 of the payee's mailing address. |
PayeeAddress2 | Displays Address Line 2 of the payee's mailing address. |
PayeeBusinessName | Displays the Business Name/Trading Name of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyABN | Displays the Australian Business Number of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyAddressLine1 | Displays Address Line 1 of the payee's company address. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyAddressLine2 | Displays Address Line 2 of the payee's company address. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyCountry | Displays the country in which the payee's company is located. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyName | Displays the name of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyPostCode | Displays the postcode for the address of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyPostCodeArea | Displays the postcode area for the address of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanyState | Displays the state for the address of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCompanySuburb | Displays the suburb for the address of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeCountry | Displays the country for the address of the payee's company. Applies to payees who are company contractors only (tax type of Company). |
PayeeMessage | Displays the contents of the Payslip Message field on the Employment/Payslip Details tab of the Payee record. |
PayeeName | Displays the payee first name and surname. |
PayeeNumber | Displays the ID that uniquely identifies the payee. |
PayeePostCode | Displays the postcode in which the payee's mailing address is located. |
PayeeState | Displays the state in which the payee's mailing address is located. |
PayeeSuburb | Displays the suburb in which the payee's mailing address is located. |
PaymentDate | Displays the payment date of the pay batch in which the payslip was generated. This field is available in v11.22 onwards. |
PayPeriodEndDate | Displays the end date of the pay period to which the payslip corresponds. |
PayPeriodStartDate | Displays the start date of the pay period to which the payslip corresponds. |
RateDescription | Displays a textual description of the pay rate of a pay item. |
Supplier Company Address Line 1 | Displays Address Line 1 of the payee's company address. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company Address Line 2 | Displays Address Line 2 of the payee's company address. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company Address Line 3 | Displays Address Line 3 of the payee's company address. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company City | Displays the city of the payee's company address. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company Contact Email | Displays the Supplier company's contact email. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company Contact Name | Displays the Supplier company's contact name. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company Contact Phone Number | Displays the Supplier company's contract phone number. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company Country | Displays the Supplier company's country. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
Supplier Company | Displays the Supplier company's business name. Applies to payees who are supplied workers (tax type of Contractor and payee type Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency). |
TimesheetID | Displays the system-generated ID that uniquely identifies the timesheet to which a pay item corresponds. |
YTDDeductions | Displays the total gross and net deductions deducted from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date on which the payslip was generated. |
YTDEmployerSuper | Displays the employer superannuation contribution amount accrued by the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDGross | Displays the payee's gross earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDGrossDeductions | Displays the total gross deductions deducted from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDGST | Displays the total GST amount paid to the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTD GST Adjustment | Displays the total GST adjustment paid to the payee year to date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDHELP | Displays the total amount of Higher Education Loan Program payments withheld from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDNet | Displays the payee's net earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDNetDeductions | Displays the total net deductions deducted from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDNonTaxableAllowances | Displays the total amount of non-taxable allowances paid to the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDReimbursement | Displays the total amount of reimbursements paid to the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDSFSS | Displays the total amount of Student Financial Supplement Scheme payments withheld from the payee's earning year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDSTSL | Displays the amount of Study and Training Support Loan tax withheld from the payee's earnings year-to-date, of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDTaxableAllowances | Displays the total amount of taxable allowances paid to the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDTaxLevy | Displays the total amount of levy tax withheld from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDTotalAllowances | Displays the total taxable and non-taxable allowances paid to the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDTotalDeductions | Displays the total amount of gross and net deductions of all types deducted from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDTotalSuper | Displays the total amount of superannuation contributions accrued by the payee year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDTotalTax | Displays the total amount of tax withheld and deducted from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
YTDWitholdingTax | Displays the total amount of tax withheld from the payee's earnings year-to-date, as of the date the payslip was generated. |
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