FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Remove a Component from the Layout

To remove a component from a document format of a document format, follow the procedure below.


Go to Maintenance > Document Designer Section > Document Formats.

The Document Format screen opens.



Apply the Search criterion required to find the document format you wish to edit, and click Search.

Search results display.


Click the view action next to the document format you wish to edit.

The Edit Document Format screen displays.


In the Component List panel on the left, untick the item you wish to remove.

The component is removed from the layout.



When you are ready to save your changes, click Save.

The document format layout is saved and a confirmation message opens.

For more information about the components that are available depending on the type of document format with which you are working, see the following topics:

Payslip Components – Australia

Payslip Components – New Zealand

Payslip Components - United Kingdom

Invoice & Credit Note Components
