Job Order - AWR View Clock History

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Job Order - AWR View Clock History


Within the Agency Worker Regulations section on the job order, users can view the clock history for each week a job is active for.


The pop up screen consists of 2 parts:

  • The header

    • Displays the candidate linked to the job

    • Details of Weeks Before Parity

  • Detail of the clock history

    • Each week processed during the job’s start and end date.

    • The clock is ordered in descending order of the timesheet period to show the latest period first.

    • The clock count will not exceed the point at which the job order reached parity. For example, if the job was worked for 20 weeks continuously, the clock count would remain at 13 from weeks 13 to 20.

    • If a timesheet appears in Interpreter and is in an Unreviewed state, and then is reversed and cleared, that entry will no longer appear in the clock history because it has in effect been removed as if it never happened. Any subsequent timesheets after that timesheet date will have their clock count adjusted automatically.



Clock History Header

Candidate Id

This is the candidate id of who is allocated to the job.

Candidate Name

This is the candidate’s first and last name of who is allocated to the job.

Job Order

This is the job order number that the AWR Clock History relates to.

Source of Weeks Before Parity

This will display from where the weeks before parity has come from. The weeks before parity can be set at Client, Office and Country level so that different points at which parity can be reached. For example if a client insists that parity should be reached after 6 weeks, this can be set against the client.

If this value is subsequently changed by the client, any existing jobs will maintain the original value. Only new jobs that are created will have the revised weeks before parity set.

Weeks Before Parity

This displays at what point this job will reach parity. If set at 12 weeks, this means that from week 13, parity settings will be used.

Clock History Detail

TS Start Date/End Date

This relates to the timesheet used when determining the clock history.

If the clock basis is set to Job Start Date, it will still show the timesheet start and end date that is processed in that week.


This displays from where the clock count was determined:

  • Job Order - Where the clock count was updated manually in the job order.

  • Manual - Linked Job Order - Where a job order is linked to another job order, the clock count is inherited.

  • Timesheet - Where the clock count came from a timesheet.

  • Timesheet Reversed - Where a timesheet is reversed out of Interpreter.

  • Timesheet - Linked Job - Where a job order is linked with another job and the clock count is maintained from the other job order timesheet if no timesheet received for the job order itself.

  • AWR Adjustment - If a clock count for a week that was previously determined was then affected by a late timesheet being submitted, an entry will be made for each week after the late timesheet end date was processed as the weeks would need adjusting up to the current week processed.

  • No Timesheet - Where there is no timesheet submitted for the week.

  • Absence - There is an absence record without a timesheet submitted.

AWR Status

This displays the status of the timesheet week:

  • Increment - Where the timesheet week is incremented in value

  • Decrement - Where a timesheet is reversed out of interpreter, the timesheet week is decremented. If that week is subsequently submitted again, the status will be updated to Increment or Parity.

  • Parity - Where the timesheet week has reached parity.

  • Manual - Where the clock count has been updated via the job order or has been linked to another job.

  • No AWR Hours Pause - If a timesheet does not contain pay codes that are of the type Ordinary or Overtime, a timesheet is received but it is deemed that there are no worked hours. If the timesheet only contains an allowance type pay code, this would generate this type of status. This means that the clock is not incremented and is considered a pause. If the payee continued to have these timesheets, the clock will be reset at the due time.

Clock Count

  • The clock count for the timesheet week.


Allows users to view the AWR clock count for each timesheet week.


The AWR Active flag in the hierarchy should be checked on.

Security permissions should be set for the Agency user and/or Connect Users

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