AWR Clock Resets and Pauses

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

AWR Clock Resets and Pauses


Employers are able to reset a candidate’s clock count after a period of time of no work or that they have been absent. Where a candidate has not worked for 6 consecutive weeks, the clock count would be reset to zero and their rate would return to the pre-parity rate.

The reset for an absence is dependent on the type of absence and the length of time would need to be configured on the Absence Type.

The system needs to know whether it should pause the clock as it does not know this from Interpreter as it only processes received timesheets.

An automatic Windows service has been provided to check for missing timesheets as well as for leave requests that have been received but no timesheet. The Windows service runs on a specific day and time defined by you which would need to be at the end of your cut-off point for receiving of timesheets. It detects the missing timesheets or leave requests and updates the clock count accordingly:


AWR Source

AWR Status

Clock Count


AWR Source

AWR Status

Clock Count

Timesheets have not been received for more than the number of weeks defined in the setting Reset After Weeks Not Worked in either Office or Country and the candidate has not submitted a leave request.

No Timesheet



Timesheets have not been received for less than the number of weeks defined in the setting Reset After Weeks Not Worked in either Office or Country and the candidate has not submitted a leave request.

No Timesheet

No Hours Pause

Carry forward of previous clock count

A leave request is received and the candidate has not worked during the week.


Absence Pause

Carry forward of previous clock count

A leave request is received and the candidate has exceeded the pause weeks





Where a candidate did not submit a timesheet until after a pause or a reset has occurred (it is late), the clock count will automatically be adjusted.


The system will automatically apply the pause and reset rules without any manual intervention.


Clock Reset/Pause Assessment Day and Assessment Time needs to be defined in Hierarchy > Country > Agency Worker Regulations

The Reset After Weeks Not Worked needs to be defined in Hierarchy > Country > Agency Worker Regulations.

If you wish to have a different point at which the reset rule for non-receipt of timesheet is applied, this can be defined at office level.

Assign the number of weeks to pause an absence in the Absence/Attendance configuration. If no weeks are assigned against an absence, the clock count will be incremented.

The clock pause and reset will only refer to those pay codes that are set with the Type of Leave. If you have configured leave pay codes with another Type, and the hours appear in the timesheet under that pay code, the interpreter service will count that as No AWR Hours rather than an Absence.

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