Initialisation of AWR

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Initialisation of AWR


An enhancement has been added to FastTrack360 to allow you to initialise your existing job orders clock count based on the data already stored in your database. It will generate the following based on the configuration set in the Country > Hierarchy > Agency Worker Regulations section:

  • A clock history for all jobs where the payee type on the job is not excluded from AWR

  • Jobs with standard rates will have a parity rate that is a replication of the existing pay rate

  • Pay Agreement Flat Rates will have a parity rate that is a replication of the existing flat rate

  • Bill Agreement Margin will have a parity rate that is a replication of the existing bill rate

Should you choose not to use the initialisation process, you will need to apply all the parity rates manually. If you do not apply parity rates, the timesheets will not appear in interpreter as the interpreter process is expecting a rate to be applied.

After the process has been completed, you still have the opportunity to update parity rates prior to the next time a timesheet is authorised. This is also the same for Pay and Bill Agreements.

After you have configured your AWR section and you click Save, a series of questions will be shown to assist you with the initialisation as follows:





This is the first message shown after you click Save.

  • If you want to start the initialisation of data, click Yes.

  • If you do not want to initialise your data, click No.

Once you click No, this means you do not want to initialise your data at all. You will not be able to return to do the initialisation process once confirming. The initialise status will display as Not Required.

  • If you want to to do the initialisation process later, click Cancel. The Initialise button will be enabled to allow you to continue the process when you are ready.




After clicking Yes to continue the process, a second question is displayed. This is to ensure that you have applied the settings in your AWR configuration.

  • You need to be sure that you have configured the Monitoring Not Required for Payee Types correctly. If you have not set this correctly, according to your requirements, payee types that have been added to this setting will not have AWR made active on their job orders. If you are happy with the configuration, click Yes to continue.

  • If you are not sure, click No. You will be able to return to the Initialise process once you have checked your settings.




After clicking Yes to continue the process, the third and final question is displayed.

  • This process could take some time to complete depending on the size of your system, so you need to make sure that you are not doing this process at a critical point in your payroll process. Click Yes for the initialisation process to commence.

  • If you do not want to continue, click No. You can return to the process later.




The initialisation will run in the background and so you do not need to remain in the screen whilst the process is running. However, it is best to avoid doing any other updates e.g. adding job orders as it could affect the process.

It is recommended that this process is run out of hours.

Once the process is complete, the status in the screen will show as Complete. If it is still running, it will show In Progress.

If in the unlikely event that a problem has occurred, it will display Technical Error. Please contact Support should this occur.

The initialisation process can only be run once. You will not be able to re-initialise again.



This saves the need for manually determining the clock history for existing job orders and pre-sets the job rates with parity rates.


The set up the AWR section in the Country > Hierarchy must be set.

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