Automatic Invoicing of Service Fees

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Automatic Invoicing of Service Fees


FastTrack360 now supports the ability to automatically generate invoices for service fees that are associated with a job order, such as placement fees or advertising costs that are associated with a job placement.

To facilitate this, several enhancements have been made to FastTrack360 as describe below.

Enhancements have also been made in this release to allow service fees to be added to temporary and contract job orders. For more information, see Billing of Service Fees for All Job Order Types.

An auto invoice service has been added and can be configured to run at intervals of 15 minutes. Each time the service runs it identifies service fees that:

See also Job Order - Service Fee List Enhancements.

When using automatic invoicing to generate invoices for service fees that have been added to a job order, the service fee configuration is used as the basis for creating the invoices. The invoices that are created automatically can created in the open or closed state.

If an invoice is created in the open state then back office staff are able to edit the invoice in the Billing module before the invoice is closed and is distributed to the debtor. If an invoice is updated in the Billing module before being closed, the updates made to the invoice are not updated to corresponding service fee record in Recruitment Manager.


This enhancement allows services fees associated with job orders to be invoiced without the need for back office staff to manually raise invoices in the Billing module.


For information on how to configure FastTrack360 to enable automatic invoicing of services, see Enabling Automatic Invoicing of Services and Job Order - Raise Invoice Screen.

For more information about assigning service fees to a job order, see Billing

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