How to Define a Time Condition

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Define a Time Condition

Time conditions can be defined for time rules, schedule rules and client schedule rules only. To define a time condition for a pay/bill code rule, follow the procedure below.


In the Conditions tab within the Pay Code Rule Entry pane of the Edit Pay Agreement screen, click Add next to Time Condition.

Controls appear for defining the condition.


In the Time Condition Type column, select one of the following conditions depending on how the time condition is to be configured:

  • Shift Start Time - indicates the condition is based on a specific shift start time

  • Shift End Time - indicates the condition is based on a specific shift end time

  • Time Worked - indicates the condition is based on a specific shift start and end time.



In the Comparison Type column, select one of the following options depending on how the condition is to compare times:

  • Equals - shift start time/shift end time equals a specific time

  • Less Than - shift start time/shift end time is earlier than a specific time

  • Less Than Equals - shift start time/shift end time equals a specific time or is earlier than a specific start time

  • Greater Than - shift start time/shift end time is after a specific time

  • Greater Than Equals - shift start time/shift end time equals a specific time or is after a specific time

  • Between - shift starts at a specific time and ends at a specific time.



If you selected a comparison type other than Between, click the clock button in the Time column and select the shift start or end time, depending on whether you selected Shift Start Time or Shift End Time in the Time Condition Type column respectively.

For example, if a time condition type of Shift End Time and a comparison type of Equals have been selected, the time condition will apply to shifts that end exactly at the time of day you specify in the Time column.

Do not proceed any further after completing this step as the hours worked condition will now be defined. If you selected a comparison type of Between, skip this step and proceed to step 5.



Next to the Time From and Time To fields, click the clock button and select the earliest and latest time to which the condition will apply.

For example, if a time condition type of Shift Start Time is selected, and you select 10:00 in the Time From and 12:00 in the Time To field, the time condition will apply to shifts that start between 10:00 and 12:00 only.

The schedule condition is defined.



If you want to add another time condition to the pay code rule, click Add next to Time Condition again to add a new blank row beneath the condition you added and repeat steps 2 - 5.

For more information, refer to the examples below.

Time Condition Example 1

In the example below, the time condition has been configured to apply to shifts where the shift start time is before 7:00.

Time Condition Example 2

In the example below, the time condition has been configured to apply to shifts that begin on or after 9:00 and end no later than 15:30.

Time Condition Example 3

In the example below, the time condition has been configured to apply to shifts that end between 14:30 and 15:30.



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