How to Create a New ACC Levy Code

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Create a New ACC Levy Code

To add a new ACC code and rate, follow the procedure below.


Go to Payroll > Maintenance > ACC Levy > Code & Rate.

The ACC Code & Rate Maintenance screen displays.



Click Add.

The Add ACC Code screen displays.


In the ACC Code, and Industry fields, select or key in information about the new ACC code.

ACC Code - The industry code that uniquely identifies the industry to which the ACC code corresponds. This field cannot be edited once the code has been used in a pay batch.

Industry - The name of the industry to which the ACC code corresponds. This field cannot be edited once the code has been used in a pay batch.

Active - If ticked, this ACC code is available to be assigned to agency offices and job orders. If un-ticked, the ACC code cannot be assigned to any agency offices or job orders to which it is not already assigned.

Description - Textual description of the ACC code and the industry to which it applies.

Import Code - Code that uniquely maps the ACC code to an ACC code in a third-party financial system for the purpose of importing the code from a third-party financial system.

Export Code - Code that uniquely maps the ACC code to an ACC code in a third-party financial system for the purpose of exporting the code to a third-party financial system.

Last Payment Date - Displays the payment date of the latest pay batch in which the ACC code was used. When adding a new rate, the start date on which the new rate becomes effective must be after the date shown in this field.

P/L Export Account - If your system is integrated with a third-party financial system, this field specifies the profit/loss account in the financial system to which transactions against this ACC code are exported.

B/S Export Account - If your system is integrated with a third-party financial system, this field specifies the balance sheet account in the financial system to which transactions against this ACC code are exported.

Assigned Skill Groups - Lists the skill groups to which the ACC code corresponds. Click the pencil button to display the Assign Skill Group screen, which allows you to select the skill group(s) to which the ACC code applies. Where a selected skill group applies to a job order, this ACC code will be filtered to the top of the list in the ACC Code field on the Recruitment Manager > Job Order > Wage Costs screen for ease of selection. You cannot un-assign skill groups or assign additional skill groups once the code has been used in a pay batch.

Start Date - The date on which the listed ACC rate becomes effective. This field cannot be edited once the code has been used in a pay batch for the corresponding period.

End Date - The date on which the listed ACC rate ceases to be effective. This can be blank for the current period if the current period is to remain effective indefinitely.

Rate % - The rate, as a percentage of remuneration, at which ACC is calculated under the ACC code for the corresponding period. This field cannot be edited once the code has been used in a pay batch for the corresponding period.



At the top of the Assigned Skill Groups field, click the edit button.

The Assign Skill Groups screen opens.


Click one or more skill groups to which this ACC code will apply.

Where any of the selected skill groups apply to a job order, this ACC code will be filtered to the top of the list in the ACC Code field on the Recruitment Manager > Job Order > Wage Costs screen for ease of selection.

A tick appears next to each skill group that you selected.



Click OK.

The Assign Skill Groups screen closes and the skill groups you selected are listed in the Assigned Skill Groups field.


At the top of the Rates table, click Add.

A new, blank row is added to the Rates table.


In the Start Date column of the new row, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the date on which the rate for this ACC code becomes effective.

The date you select is displayed in the Start Date column.


In the End Date column of the new row, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the date on which the rate for this ACC code ceases to be effective. Alternatively, skip this step if the rate is to be effective indefinitely.

The date you select is displayed in the End Date column.


In the Rate % column of the new row, key in the rate at which ACC premiums will be calculated where this ACC code applies.



Click Save.

The ACC Code Entry screen closes and a confirmation message opens to indicate that the ACC Code has been saved.

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