How to Find an Existing Super Fund

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Find an Existing Super Fund

You can find existing super funds via the Payroll > Maintenance > Superannuation > Funds. Once you find an existing super fund, you can do the following:

open the record for viewing or editing in the Super Fund Entry screen

delete the fund if it is unused and is not required.


Go to Portal > Pay > Maintenance > Superannuation > Funds.

The Superannuation Funds Maintenance screen opens.



In the search fields at the top of the screen, key in or select as much information about the fund as possible.

Name - Name of the existing fund. Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the fund name. For example, % m will return funds that have a name ending with the letter m while m% will return funds with a name beginning with m.

ABN - Australian Business Number of the fund. To find a fund with specific ABN, key in the ABN in this field.

SFN - Superannuation Fund Number (SFN) of the fund. To find a fund with a specific SFN, key in the SFN in this field.

SPIN - Superannuation Product Identification Number of the fund. To find a fund with a specific SPIN, key in the SPIN in this field.

USI - Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) of the fund. To find a fund with a specific USI, key the USI in this field.

Self-Managed - When shaded, the search returns funds regardless of whether they are flagged as being self-managed. When ticked, the search returns only those funds that are flagged as self-managed. When completely cleared, the search returns only those funds that are not flagged as self-managed. Click this field to toggle between each of these states.

Active - Where Yes, the search returns only those funds that are flagged as being active and can therefore be assigned to payees and linked to pay agreements. Where Any, the search returns funds regardless of their active status. Where No, the search returns only those funds that are not active and therefore cannot be assigned to payees or linked to pay agreements.

Allow Negative Contribution Totals - Where Yes, the search returns only those funds that are flagged as allowing negative contribution totals. Where Any, the search returns funds regardless of how this item is flagged. Where No, the search returns only those funds that to not have this item flagged.



Click Search.

The funds matching your search criteria are listed on the screen.

You can open any super fund record that is listed on the Superannuation Funds Maintenance screen after you perform a search for viewing and editing in the Super Fund Entry screen by clicking on the view / edit action next to the record in the list.

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