FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Find an Existing Super Agreement Link
You can find existing superannuation/pay agreement links via the Payroll > Maintenance > Superannuation > Link to Agreements. Once you find an existing superannuation/agreement link, you can do the following:
open the record for viewing or to add a new link to a pay agreement that is already linked to a fund
delete the record if it is unused and is not required.
To find an existing superannuation/pay agreement, follow the procedure below.
1. | Navigate to Payroll > Maintenance > Superannuation > Link to Agreements. The Link Superannuation to Agreements Maintenance screen opens. |
2. | In the search fields at the top of the screen, select or key in as much information about the super/agreement link you want to find as possible. Agreement - Searches for super/agreement links by agreement name. Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the agreement name. For example, %a will match agreements with names that begin with the letter a while a% will match agreement names that end with the letter a. Validity Start Date - Searches for super/agreement links by the date on which the link becomes effective. To select a date, click the calendar button and use the calendar control. Validity End Date - Searches for super/agreement links by the date on which the link expires. To select a date, click the calendar button and use the calendar control. Payee Default - If ticked, searches for super/agreement links that facilitate accrual to payees' default funds rather than a specific fund mandated by the agreement. Fund Name - Searches for super/agreement links by the super fund that is linked to an agreement. To select a fund, click the select button and use the Search Superannuation Funds screen to search for the relevant fund. This field is unavailable if the Payee Default field is ticked. Contribution Rate Rule - Searches for super/agreement links by the contribution rate rule that determines how superannuation contributions are accrued. This defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to search for super/agreement links regardless of the contribution rate rule that applies. To return only those super/agreement links to which a specific contribution rate rule applies, select the relevant contribution rate rule in this field. |
3. | Click Search. The super/agreement links that match your search criteria are listed on the screen. |
You can open any super/agreement link that is listed on the Link Superannuation to Agreements Maintenance screen after you perform a search for viewing and editing in the Link Superannuation to Agreements Maintenance screen by clicking on the view / edit button next to the relevant super/agreement link record in the list.
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