How to Create a Contribution Payment Period

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Create a Contribution Payment Period

To create a contribution payment period, follow the procedure below.


Go to Payroll > Maintenance > Superannuation > Contribution Payment Periods.

The Contribution Payment Period screen displays.



Click Add.

The Contribution Payment Period Entry screen displays.


In the Name field, key in a unique name for the contribution payment period.



In the Description field, key in a description of the contribution payment period.



In the Contribution Frequency field, select one of the following:

  • select Calendar Month if each contribution period is to correspond to a calendar month

  • select Monthly if each contribution period is to correspond to a period of a month, split across calendar months

  • select Quarterly if each contribution period is to correspond to a three month period.

  • select Weekly if each contribution period spans 7 days

  • select Fortnightly if each contribution period spans 14 days

  • select Bi-monthly if each month has two contribution periods (split on a specific day of each month i.e. a split on the 15th day of each month creates two periods per calendar month, with the first period spanning from the 1st day of the month to the 15th day of the month and the second period spanning from the 16th day of the month to the last day of month).



In the Payment Period Details table, click Add.

The Create Payment Periods screen opens.


Next to the Start Date field, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the date on which the first contribution period in the cycle will begin.

Note that if the contribution frequency is Calendar Month or Quarterly, the start date must be the first day of a calendar month.


Next to the End Date field, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the date on which the contribution period cycle is to end.

Note that each contribution period in the cycle must be a complete period. Therefore, if you select a date that would result in an incomplete period, the system automatically defaults the end date to the nearest valid date.



Click OK.

The Create Payment Periods screen closes and a cycle payment periods is created and listed within the Payment Period Details table.


Next to the Payment Cut Off Date column for each payment period, click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select the latest date on which contributions for the corresponding period can be paid to the corresponding super fund.


Click Save.

The Contribution Payment Period screen closes and the record is saved.

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