FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Page Category Maintenance
To help locate existing questionnaire pages in the page category hierarchy, questionnaire pages can be linked to one or more filtering categories. The filtering categories are created and maintained via the Maintenance area of the Questionnaire Maintenance module.
The filtering categories that are created are listed in the Page Category List field on the Page Entry screen, which is used when creating a new questionnaire page or editing the attributes of an existing page. This allows questionnaire pages to be linked to the relevant filtering categories. The filtering categories that are created are also listed within the Page Category filter section of the Page Maintenance screen. This allows the filter categories to be selected when filtering the available questionnaire pages within the category hierarchy. The following page filtering categories are available by default:
Skill Group
Cost Centre
These default filtering categories match those that are available within the questionnaire page category hierarchy itself. However, it is possible to add additional custom filtering categories and to rename or delete the default filtering categories if necessary.