FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Questionnaire Page Components
Each questionnaire page can contain the following items:
question groups
free text.
Questions are used to obtain information about a candidate and the candidate's qualifications and experience. The responses candidates give to questions allows the candidates to be assessed in terms of their suitability for a job. Each questionnaire page must contain at least one question and questions with different answer types can be used to elicit different types of information. A question can be flagged as mandatory, in which case the system will not allow the questionnaire to be submitted unless the candidate answers the question.
Question groups are logical collections of questions on a questionnaire page. Question groups can be used to group related questions on a questionnaire page and can also contain free text. Each question group has a name that appears as a text label at the top of the group. For example, all questions on a questionnaire page relating to the citizenship status of a candidate could appear within a group labelled Citizenship Status.
Free text represents any text that appears on a questionnaire page but is not part of a question. This may include any general information or instructions that may be displayed on a questionnaire page. The sample questionnaire page shown below identifies examples of questions, groups and free text.
The Page Entry screen, which is used to define the attributes of and to add items to questionnaire pages, features a pane on the left-hand side of the screen that displays a the items on a questionnaire page, in the order in which they appear on the page.
An example of how items on a questionnaire page are listed within the left-hand pane of the Page Entry screen is shown below. In the example, there is free text at the top of the page, followed by a question group that contains four questions.
Within the pane, free text items are identified by an thought icon, question groups are identified by a folder icon and questions are identified by a ? icon. Where the question has been flagged as mandatory a * is displayed at the end of the question.
Questions within a question group are indented beneath the question group itself. You can toggle the display of questions within a group by clicking question folder, to maximise the display on the screen as shown in the example below:
When a new item is added to a questionnaire page it is, by default, added below any existing items. The exception to this is if you add a question or free text to a question group, in which case the new item is added below the last existing item within the question group. However, once an item has been added to a page the sequence in which it appears on the page can be altered if necessary.
Enforced Pages
An enforced questionnaire page is a mandatory page that will be included in a questionnaire workflow by default, if the category and external references linked to the page match those of the job order for which the questionnaire workflow is created. Where an enforced page applies to a job order, the page must be part of the questionnaire workflow for that job order and cannot be removed from the workflow.
Default Registration Pages
One registration page must be created and linked to the Default category for each country. The registration page is the first questionnaire page that is presented to a candidate when a candidate attempts to apply for a posted job. When a registration page is created, it contains fields for eliciting the following information from a candidate by default:
first name
email address
These fields cannot be deleted off a registration page as they are used to elicit the information that is mandatory to create a Candidate Record. However, it is possible to add other content to a registration page.
Only one registration page can be created for each country. Once a registration page is created it cannot be deleted, and will be enforced within the questionnaire workflow.
Page Filtering Categories
The Page Maintenance screen of the Questionnaire Maintenance module allows you to view the category hierarchy for each country configured on your system and to access the questionnaire pages that are linked to each category. To aid in searching for existing questionnaire pages, the view of the category hierarchy can be filtered so that only those questionnaire pages that are tagged with one or more specific filtering categories are displayed.
When a questionnaire page is created, the page can be linked to one or more filtering categories that determine if the page will be listed in the category hierarchy depending on the filtering criteria applied.
For example, a page linked to the Brand level of the hierarchy could be linked to the Brand and Office filter categories, as an agency office must belong to an agency brand. Therefore, the page will not be filtered out of the category hierarchy regardless of whether the category hierarchy is filtered by Brand, Office or both.
By default, the same page filtering categories are available as those that are available within the category hierarchy itself. However, the page filtering categories can be customised via the Page Category option in Questionnaire > Settings.
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