FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Searching for Existing Pages
Existing questionnaire pages can be accessed via the category hierarchy pane that appears on the left-hand side of the Page Maintenance screen. Each questionnaire page is listed beneath the country and category to which it is linked. For example, if questionnaire page Industrial-1-Industrial has been linked to the SkillGroup category for the country of Australia, it will appear beneath the SkillGroup branch of the category hierarchy under Australia, as shown below.
Note that circles do not display around category arrows where one or more questionnaire pages are linked. Clicking the arrow expands the category branch to show the existing questionnaire pages linked to that category.
By default, the category hierarchy lists all questionnaire pages linked to any category for all available countries. To help you find a specific questionnaire page or pages the category hierarchy can be filtered by filtering categories one or more filtering categories, in which case the category hierarchy displays only those pages linked to the filtering categories you select.
When you filter the category hierarchy, only the categories that have the filter applied display without a circle around the arrow. Pages not linked to the selected filtering categories are hidden.
For example, when a questionnaire page was created it may have been linked to the Position category but it might also have been linked to the Position and Office filtering categories. If you filter the category hierarchy by the Office filtering category only, that page will be listed in the hierarchy because it is linked to the Office filtering category. However, because the page is linked to the Position category in the category hierarchy, the page will be listed under the Position branch rather than the Office branch of the hierarchy.
The filtering categories by which you can filter the category hierarchy can be selected at the top of the category hierarchy pane within the Page Maintenance window. The filtering categories are hidden by default to save screen space but you can toggle the display of the filtering categories by clicking Page Category Filter, as highlighted in the example below.
The next example shows how the filtering categories are displayed when unhidden.
Note that the filtering categories that are shown in the example above are the default filtering categories. The filtering categories are customisable and therefore the filtering categories available on your system may differ from those shown above.
Filter the category hierarchy
1 | If not already open, open the Page Maintenance screen by clicking Pages in the Maintenance > Questionnaire Section. |
2 | If the filter categories are not already displayed, click Page Category Filter near the top left-hand corner of the Page Maintenance screen. The available filter categories are displayed. |
3 | Click one or more filter categories by which you want to filter the category hierarchy. A tick appears next to each selected filter category. |
4 | Click the Search icon. The category hierarchy is filtered to list only those pages linked to the filtering categories you selected. |
The category hierarchy remains filtered so long as one or more categories are ticked within the list of available filtering categories. You can remove a category filter by clicking on any category that is ticked within the list of available filter categories.
This will clear the tick next to the category name. The category hierarchy will list all available questionnaire pages when no categories are ticked within the filtering category list.
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