Purchase Order Alert Template Maintenance

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Purchase Order Alert Template Maintenance

Alert templates are used to configure purchase order alerts that are triggered when a debtor purchase order reaches a specific percentage of budget usage or is due to expire. 

An alert template has the following attributes:

  • a template name that determines the name of the alert template as it will appear in a dropdown list of available purchase order alert templates

  • an alert type that determines if the template applies to purchase order expiry or balance alert

  • a delivery method that determines how the alert is delivered (email, SMS, email and SMS)

  • an expiry offset that determines the number of weeks prior to the expiry of a purchase order than an alert is to be sent (for expiry alert templates only)

  • a resend frequency that determines how often the alert is to be resent once the condition for sending the alert is triggered (never, daily, weekly, fortnightly)

  • the alert staff who are to receive the alert (job creator, job owner, client owner, purchase order contact)

  • a subject line that determines the text that is to appear in the subject line if the alert is sent via email

  • the message text that is to appear in the body of the alert - this can include merge tags (database fields) so that variable information such as the purchase order number and debtor name can be included in the message body of the alert.


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