FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Billing Maintenance
A number of maintenance items need to be configured within the system to allow the Billing module to generate invoice and credit notes. These maintenance items are as follows:
Time Groups
Invoice Bill Code Groups
Invoice Terms
Invoice Messages
Billing Fees
Oncost Groups
Billing Companies
Purchase Order Bill Code Groups & Alert Templates.
If you are configuring the Billing application for the first time the order in which you create each of these maintenance items is important and should be as listed above. For example, you will need to create taxation items before you will be able to configure billing companies.
Creation and maintenance of each of these maintenance items is described in detail throughout this section.
In addition to the maintenance items listed above, the following global maintenance items are also used by the Billing module and must therefore be configured before the Billing module can be used:
Invoice/credit note formats - these define the templates for invoices and credit notes and are configured under Maintenance > Document Designer > Document Formats. For more information, see Document Formats.
Bill document format groups - these collate the invoice/credit note formats that are to be used to generate each type of invoice and credit note as well as any supplementary documents that are issued to debtors when invoices/credit notes are delivered to debtors. These are configured under Maintenance > Document Designer > Document Format Groups. For more information, see Document Format Groups.
Credit note reasons - these describe the reason why a credit notes was issued and are configured under Maintenance > Global > Reasons. For more information, see Reasons.
Email templates - these define the content of emails that are sent to deliver invoices/credit notes to debtors and are configured under Maintenance > Global > Pay/Bill Email Template. For more information, see Pay and Bill Email Templates.
See also in this section:
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