Invoice Message Maintenance

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Invoice Message Maintenance

Invoice messages are messages that are printed at the bottom of every invoice and credit note in order to communicate company or client-specific information.

In order to create invoices/credit notes from the Billing application at least one invoice message record must be created for each type of invoice/credit note that can be generated. The relevant invoice message that applies when an invoice/credit note is issued to a given debtor is defined in the invoice details on the debtor record. Therefore, the invoice messages that are to apply to a debtor must be created before the debtor record is created.

Invoice message types of Tax Exempt and Tax Non Exempt can also be created in order to print tax messages on invoices and credit notes. For example, a job order may be flagged as tax exempt, in which case an invoice or credit note corresponding to the job order can include a tax exemption message (for example: Exempt from VAT under Chap. 3 ...). Conversely, if the job order is not exempt from tax, an invoice or credit note corresponding to the job order can include a message about the applicable taxes (for example: Service export sales tax applicable ...).

When an invoice message record is created it is assigned to a country and therefore can only be used by debtor records that are assigned to the same country. However, identical invoice message records can be created for multiple countries.

Each invoice message record defines the type of invoice/credit note to which it applies. It also defines the message text that is to appear at the bottom of an invoice/credit note.

Each invoice message record has a validity period, defined by a start and end date respectively, which determines the period of time during which the record is valid. This allows different invoice messages to apply during different periods. The end date of the validity period can remain unspecified if the invoice message is to remain valid indefinitely.

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