FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Create a Purchase Order Alert Template
To create an alert template, follow the procedure below.
How to Create an Alert Template | |
Go to Agency Portal > Billing > Maintenance > Purchase Orders > Alert Templates. The Alert Template Maintenance screen opens. | |
2. | Click Add. The Alert Template New Entry screen opens. |
3. | In the Template Name field, type a descriptive name for the new alert template. The name must be unique. |
4. | In the Alert Type field, select Expiry Alert if this alert template is to be a template for purchase order expiry alerts or select Balance Alert if this alert template is to be a template for purchase order balance alerts. |
5. | In the Delivery Method field, select the alert delivery method to which this alert template will apply. For example, if you select Email & SMS, assigning this template to a purchase order will result in purchase order alerts being sent via email and SMS. |
6. | If this alert template is an expiry alert template, in the Expiry Offset (Weeks) field key in the number of weeks offset from the expiry date of a purchase order that an expiry alert will be triggered if this template is assigned to the purchase order. For example, if you key in 1, the template will trigger an expiry alert one week (7 days) prior to the expiry of a purchase order. Skip this step if you selected Balance Alert at step 4. |
7. | In the Resend field, select the relevant option depending on if an how often an alert that uses this template is to be resent once an alert is initially triggered. For example, select Daily if alerts that use this template are to be resent daily once the alert is initially triggered. |
8. | If this alert template has a delivery method other than SMS, in the Subject field key in the text that is to appear in the subject line when the an alert is sent via email. Skip this step if you selected SMS at step 5. |
9. | In the Message Text field, key in the text that is to appear in the message body of alerts that will use this alert template. You can insert merge tags into the body text to include variable information, such as the purchase order number or debtor name, by placing the text cursor in the relevant position within the Message Text field, clicking on the relevant tag in the Merge Tags field and clicking the << button. <<Alert Percentage>> Inserts the budget usage percentage that triggered the alert. This applies to balance alerts.
<<Bill Code Group>> Inserts the name of the bill code group that triggered an alert due to the line budget for the bill code group having reached the alert percentage. This applies to balance alerts for multi-line master purchase orders and allows the staff who receive the alert to identify which line budget on the purchase order has triggered the alert. <<Bill to Contact>> Inserts the first name and surname of the bill to contact for the debtor who owns the purchase order. <<Customer ID>> Inserts the ID that uniquely identifies the customer who is linked to the debtor who owns the purchase order. <<Customer Name>> Inserts the name of the customer who is linked to the debtor who owns the purchase order. <<Debtor Code>> Inserts the ID that uniquely identifies the debtor to whom the purchase order is linked.
<<Debtor Name>> Inserts the name of the debtor to whom the purchase order is linked. <<PO Contact BH Phone>> Inserts the business hours phone number of the purchase order contact person. <<PO Contact Mobile>> Inserts the mobile phone number of the purchase order contact person.
<<PO Contact>> Inserts the first name and surname of the person who is identified as the purchase order contact on the purchase order. <<PO Expiry Date>> Inserts the expiry date of the purchase order. <<PO Number>> Inserts the purchase order number.
<<PO Remaining Balance>> Inserts the remaining balance of the purchase order. If the purchase order is a multi-line or multi-line master purchase order, this will output the remaining balance of the line budget that has triggered the alert. <<PO Start Date>> Inserts the date from which the purchase order is valid.
<<Secondary PO Number>> Inserts the secondary purchase order number that corresponds to the line budget that has triggered an alert. This applies to balance alerts for multi-line master purchase orders and will allow the staff who receive the alert to identify which secondary purchase order/budget line triggered the alert. |
10. | Click Save. The new purchase order alert template is created and the Alert Template Entry screen closes. |
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