How to Delete an Existing Deduction Header

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Delete an Existing Deduction Header

An existing deduction header can be deleted if it not required and all of the following conditions apply:

  • the deduction header has not been used in a pay batch

  • the deduction header is not currently linked to a deduction on a payee record.

  • UK Payroll - the deduction header is not used in a Net Deduction Component

  • UK Payroll - the deduction header is not used in a pension scheme

To delete an existing deduction header, follow the procedure below.


Search for the relevant record using the Payroll > Maintenance > Deduction Header screen.

The existing deduction headers matching your search criteria are listed on the Deduction Header Maintenance screen.



In the list of existing deduction headers, click the delete button next to the deduction header that you want to delete.

A confirmation pop up message is displayed.


Click Delete.

The confirmation message closes and the deduction header is deleted.
