Determination of the AWR Clock Count

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Determination of the AWR Clock Count


At the point a timesheet is set to the status of Approved, the timesheet is processed to determine the units and rates that should be applied relating to the time or units entered in the timesheet. Within this process, when AWR is active, the AWR rules are applied which determines:

  • The clock count for that timesheet

  • The clock count for any linked jobs

  • Whether the item should use the pre or parity rates based on the clock count in relation to the timesheet dates.

The AWR Rules assesses the following to determine the clock count and therefore the rates that should be applied:

  • Where Monitoring Not Required on the job order is checked on, AWR is not processed. Where it is unchecked, it continues with the process.

  • It sequences the timesheets it has received within the whole clock history. This is because late timesheets or adjustment timesheets could affect the clock count for subsequent timesheets that have already been received.

  • If there are any jobs are linked to ensure that the clocks are kept in synch as a payee could have worked in one job but not the other and so both clock counts would need to match.

  • If the timesheet for the week contains worked hours. The timesheet needs to contain pay codes that are of type Ordinary, Overtime or Absence that does not have a pause rule, to register a clock count. If the timesheet contains pay codes of types Reimbursement or Allowance, this is not considered as worked time.

  • At what point the job should reach parity based on whether the job’s Client or Office has any lower setting of Weeks Before Parity than that of the Country setting.

  • The AWR week based on the Clock Count Basis set in the Country


Based on the above information, the Interpreter engine will determine the clock count and apply to the job order clock history. Expand the section below to view details about what is populated in the clock history.


Determines the job order’s AWR clock history and whether the timesheet should be paid at pre or parity rates.


Please refer to

Maintenance Module V12.31 Enhancements and Rates and Rules Module Enhancements V12.31 for the configuration of AWR.

Recruitment Manager Module V12.31 Enhancements for the configuration and operation of AWR on a job order.


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