FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Use the Child Related Pay Screen
The child related absence entry screens are made up of series of tabs and fields within the tabs depending on the child related absence.
Episode - The tab holds the essentials dates and information about the instance of the birth/adoption period and is required to be completed for all child related absences.
Weeks - This tab will be available for Shared Parental Pay to allow for the entry of the weeks of pay required since these are not always concurrent dates
Payments - This tab details the weekly payments generated by the data entered in the Episode and Weeks (where applicable) and is view only.
The following describes each field for each child related absence with the Episode tab. Complete the screen according to the descriptions before moving onto Generating Payments.
The following describes the Dates tab which is only available to ShPP. ShPP is not necessarily paid in consecutive weeks. ShPP can be paid in blocks of 1 week or more within a 52 week window of when the child was born/adopted.
Field descriptions of the Dates tab | |
No of Weeks | This is the number of weeks to be paid in block of weeks. There must be at least 1 row or more. The total number of weeks added in all the rows must add up to the ShPP in the Episode tab. The number of weeks can be decreased in a block up to the number of weeks already paid. Whenever amending the weeks, the episode must be re-calculated to update the Payments tab. |
Start Date | This is the start date of each block of ShPP weeks to be taken. The dates must be sequential. For example, the payee wishes to take a 2 week block, then come back to work for 3 weeks and then have another 2 week block. The second block of weeks start date cannot be before the first block of weeks. |
End Date | This is a calculated date based on the start date of the block of weeks and the number of weeks in the block. |
The following describes the fields in the Payments tab. The column header labels will change depending on the child related payment type.
Field descriptions of the Payments tab | |
Pay Date | This is the pay date on which the payments will be made. If the pay group has a frequency of monthly or 2 weekly there could be multiple weeks with the same pay date. |
Week | This is the week number of the child related payment. The same week number could be shown if the higher and standard rate is being paid within the same week where the Payment Based On is by normal pay date. |
Week Start Date | This is the child related week start date. |
Week End Date | This is the child related week end date. |
Status | If the child related week has been processed in a pay batch, this will display as Paid else it will be Pending. |
Type | Displays if the week is paid at the higher or standard rate. |
Amount | The amount paid for that week. |
Any values that are displayed in the Payments tab will automatically be included in the relevant pay period pay batch that the payee appears in. If the payments are prior to the current pay period and have yet to be paid, it will be necessary to process an adjustment batch for the relevant period. The alternative is that the Pay Period Start Date should be amended to the current pay period.
Any automatically generated payments cannot be amended in the Pay Batch Manual stage. If an adjustment is required, an adhoc row will need to be applied and selecting the relevant child related pay code. It is important that the child related pay code is selected for any manual adjustments, so that employer recoveries will automatically be applied.
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