Updating a Pension Membership or Postponement

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Updating a Pension Membership or Postponement

The Pension Details section against the payee in the Portal > Payroll > Payee > Payee Maintenance > Payee Entry holds details of:

  • The payee's pension membership

  • If they are an exception to automatic enrolment and the reason for the exception

  • Postponement periods

FastTrack360 manages the pension automatic enrolment process and assess payees in the pay batch to determine their eligibility for automatic pension enrolment from version.  FastTrack360 then injects the pension membership or postponement at pay batch close based on the rules.

However, if a payee wishes to Opt Out of Automatic Enrolment, the pension membership will require updating. 

How to Exclude a Payee From Automatic Enrolment


Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links.


If you wish a PAYE Payee Type to be excluded from Automatic Enrolment rules, check this field and enter the reason for exception.

 If the payee has the Payee Type of Contractor, Umbrella, Deemed Contractor or CIS the field Exception to Automatic Enrolment will be checked on and the Reason for Exception will be defaulted with Not PAYE payee type. Where this checkbox is checked on, skip all following steps.

If you wish for these payee types to be under Automatic Enrolment rules, uncheck the field.


Click Save.

A successful confirmation message will be displayed.


How to Opt Out/Withdraw from a Pension Membership


Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links.


Against the scheme they wish to opt out from, enter a Withdraw Date.


If the payee has opted out within a 6 week window, check the Opt Out checkbox. If the payee has missed the opt out window, this flag should not be checked on. Skip steps 4 to 8 if the Opt Out checkbox is unchecked.


The Refund Contributions check box will automatically be checked on if the Opt Out checkbox is checked on. This will then refund all contributions to the payee and employer made within the tax year. If you do not wish the payee to receive a refund even though they have opted out, do not check this checkbox.

If a payee has opted out and they have contributions spanning 2 tax years, the prior tax year contributions will need to be refunded manually.


A reason must be entered in the Refund Not Given Reason if the payee has opted out and the refund contribution field is unchecked. If the Refund Contributions is checked on, skip this step.


When FastTrack360 automatically refunds the contributions, the pay period end date in which the refund was given will be displayed in the Refund Period End Date field.


If operating a NEST pension scheme and the payee has opted out manually rather than updating the NEST website, NEST will supply the payee with an opt out form which will have a reference number. This will need to be recorded in the Opt Out Reference field.


During the Pay Batch Process, if the payee has been assessed to be automatically enrolled, you can override the process in the pay batch. At pay batch close, the system will record that a scheme membership has been created but then was overridden by displaying a tick in the Enrolment Override field and the reason for the override in the Enrolment Override Reason.


Click Save.

A successful confirmation message will be displayed.


How to Process Out Out Refunds where a Payee has Contributions Spanning 2 Tax Years


Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links.


Against the scheme they wish to opt out from, enter a Withdraw Date.


If the payee has opted out within a 6 week window, check the Opt Out checkbox. If the payee has missed the opt out window, this flag should not be checked on. Skip steps 4 to 8 if the Opt Out checkbox is unchecked.


The Refund Contributions check box will automatically be checked on if the Opt Out checkbox is checked on. This will then refund all contributions to the payee and employer made within the tax year. Any contributions made in a prior tax year will not automatically be refunded and will need to be refunded manually in the current pay period.

The user is alerted that there are contributions in a prior year.


Scroll to the Year to Date Figures section and select the prior year. Enter 0.00 against the Pension Contributions for employee and employer. If the pension contribution was a gross deduction, you will need to add the Employee Gross Pension YTD value onto the Taxable Pay YTD as this value should be taxable. An information message will be displayed advising that you will need to process an adjustment batch to generate an FPS for the prior tax year.


Save the payee record.


Follow the procedure for Updating Prior Tax Year To Date Figures.


To refund the prior tax year pension contribution, in the current pay period pay batch, apply the total prior tax year contributions for the payee as a non taxable and non NIable pay code at the manual input stage. Or you can refund the contributions on a net deduction as a negative value. The employer contributions for the prior tax year will automatically be generated in the current pay period.

An employer can decide if they wish for their payees to be postponed from automatic enrolment for a period of up to 3 months.  An employer can also decide if they wish for an Eligible Jobholder Postponement should be applied.  An Eligible Jobholder Postponement is where at the end of the payee's worker postponement, when they are assessed again, if the payee is not eligible, when they next become eligible, the employer can postpone again.

The postponement rules will automatically be applied based on the settings in the Pay Company > Pension Automatic Enrolment tab and so the update to postponement should only be when you wish to control Pension Automatic Enrolment manually.

How to Update a Postponement


Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links.


Update the Postponement End Date as required. The end date cannot exceed more than 3 months from the start date of the postponement.


If you require an Eligible Jobholder Postponement, against the Postponement sub header, click Add +.


Enter the pay period start date in which the postponement is to start from in the Start Date field. The start date cannot immediately be after the previous postponement end date. There must be a break of at least 1 pay period before the next start date.


If the Postponement Months field has been populated in the Pay Company > Pension Automatic Enrolment tab, the system will automatically generate the pay period end date of when the postponement will end.

This can be overridden as long as it does not exceed 3 months and that it is a pay period end date.


The Postponement Type field will be populated with Eligible Jobholder Postponement.


Click Save.

A successful confirmation message will be displayed.

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