FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Adding a Pension Membership or Postponement
The Pension Details section against the payee holds details of:
The payee's pension membership
If they are an exception to automatic enrolment and the reason for the exception
Postponement periods
FastTrack360 manages the pension automatic enrolment process and assess payees in the pay batch to determine their eligibility for automatic pension enrolment. FastTrack360 will then inject the pension membership or postponement at pay batch close based on the rules. Therefore, on the creation of a payee record, you do not need to do anything unless you wish to override the automatic process or manage pension automatic enrolment manually.
How to Exclude a Payee From Automatic Enrolment | |
Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links. | |
2. | If you wish a PAYE Payee Type to be excluded from Automatic Enrolment rules, check this field and enter the reason for exception. If the payee has the Payee Type of Contractor, Umbrella, 3rd Tier Agency, Deemed Contractor or CIS the field Exception to Automatic Enrolment will be checked on and the Reason for Exception will be defaulted with Not PAYE payee type. Where this checkbox is checked on, skip all following steps. If you wish for these payee types to be under Automatic Enrolment rules, uncheck the field. |
3. | Click Save. A successful confirmation message will be displayed. |
How to Add a Pension Membership | |
Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links. | |
2. | Against the Pension Membership sub header, click Add +. |
3. | Enter the pay period start date in which the pension membership is to start from in the Validity Start Date field. |
4. | In the Pension Provider field, select the pension provider required. |
5. | In the Pension Scheme field, select the pension scheme required. |
6. | In the Registration Date field, enter the date of registration. This date could be different to the validity start date especially on a data take situation as the validity date relates to the pay periods in which the scheme is processed in. In a data take on, this would be prior to the when the payroll was first processed in FastTrack360. |
7. | If the payee has opted in voluntarily into the pension scheme, check the Opt In field. This is required for the pension compliance report that is submitted to The Pension Regulator every 3 years. |
8. | The Opt In Received Date will automatically be populated with today's date if the Opt In field has been checked on. This can be changed as required. |
9. | The remaining fields in this section are not relevant for an onboarding scenario. |
10. | Click Save. A successful confirmation message will be displayed. |
How to Add a Postponement | |
Scroll to the Pension Details section of the payee or click on the Quick links. | |
2. | Against the Postponement sub header, click Add +. |
3. | Enter the pay period start date in which the postponement is to start from in the Start Date field. |
4. | If the Postponement Months field has been populated in the Pay Company > Pension Automatic Enrolment tab has been populated, the system will automatically generate the pay period end date of when the postponement will end. This can be overridden as long as it does not exceed 3 months and that it a pay period end date. |
5. | The Postponement Type field will be populated with Worker Postponement. |
6. | Click Save. A successful confirmation message will be displayed. |
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