FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Completing the Candidate Details (Payroll UK)

A payee record captures and displays information about the candidate to which the payee is linked. This includes general information such as the candidate's name and contact details as well as their residential address.

The candidate details of a payee are automatically populated at the time of creating a new payee record based on the corresponding candidate record, as created by agency front office consultants via the chosen Front Office solution. However, the candidate details can be viewed and, if necessary, updated by payroll staff directly from the Payroll > Payee > Payee Maintenance > Payee Entry screen at any time until the payee's employment is terminated.

How to View & Update the Candidate Details

 To view and update the details of a candidate linked to a payee, follow the procedure below.

How to View & Update the Candidate Details


If you do not have the relevant payee record open on in the Payee Entry screen, use the Payroll > Payee > Payee Maintenance screen to search for and open the relevant payee record.


Click the dropdown arrow of the section header labelled View Candidate Details.

The Candidate Details panel displays.


Update any of the fields on the Candidate Details panel if necessary.

The First Name, Surname, Date of Birth and address fields must be filled in before the payee can be assigned to a pay group and therefore can be paid in a pay batch.


Update any of the fields on the Candidate – Actual Address if necessary.  The payee must have at least 2 lines of address (inclusive of postcode) to ensure compatibility with the HMRC and requirements for submitting an FPS or Employment Intermediary Report

