How to Resubmit an Employment Details Submission

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Resubmit an Employment Details Submission

To resubmit an employment details submission, follow the procedure below.

How to Resubmit an Employment Details Submission

How to Resubmit an Employment Details Submission


Navigate to Payroll > IR Electronic Reporting > Payday Payee Reporting.

The Payday Payee Reporting screen opens. The Submission Search tab is active and, by default, lists all employment details submissions that have failed (submission status of Technical Error or Rejected) since the start of the previous day.


If necessary, in the Search section at the top of the screen, select or key any search criteria to narrow down the specific submissions that you want to resubmit and click Search.

You can only resubmit submissions that have a submission status of Technical Error or Rejected. Therefore, ensure that those two options are ticked in the Submission Status field to help you find the submissions that need to be resubmitted.

The Results section of the screen lists submissions that match your search criteria.


Refer to the details of the submissions that are listed in the Results section of the screen. Note down the name or payee number of the payee for whom a submission failed. Alternatively, if submissions failed for multiple payees, note down the name of the pay company to which those payees belong.


Click the Payee tab.

The Payee tab is displayed.


In the Search section at the top of the screen, key in the payee name or number and select the relevant pay company and click Search.

The Results section of the screen lists the latest employment information submission for the payee(s) who meet your search criteria.


In the Results section of the screen, tick the check box next to each payee submission that is to be resubmitted and click Resubmit Payee.

Note that you can only resubmit submissions that have a submission status of Rejected or Technical Error.

A confirmation message opens, prompting you to confirm the re-submission.


To continue with the re-submission, click Yes.

The confirmation message closes and the employment information submissions are re-submitted.
