Troubleshooting Payday Filing

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Troubleshooting Payday Filing

Payday return submissions and employment details submissions can fail due to any of the following:

  • reporting authorisation has not been performed

  • pay company data quality issues

  • network/internet connectivity issues

  • FastTrack cloud service or IRD service outages.

Reporting obligations have been met when a submission achieves a status of Completed. If a Payday return submission achieves a status of Partially Completed, which indicates that more payments were processed after the return was submitted, you must resubmit the return to ensure the additional payments are reported even though the initial submission was successful.

The table below lists potential issues that can occur when a Payday return or employment details submission is submitted to the IRD.


Possible Causes

Course of Action

After submitting a return or employment details submission, the submission status changes to Rejected.

The IRD was unable to process the submission because of one or more of the following:

  • The pay company that is reporting has not authorised FastTrack360 to submit information to the IRD

  • The details of a pay company that is reporting are incorrect or unrecognised (for example, the pay company IRD number is incorrect).

  • The filing period end date that was selected when submitting a return was invalid.

In the event of a Payday return being rejected, refer to the Error Message column in the Audit screen. In the event of an employment details submission being rejected, refer to the Error Message column on the Submission Search tab of the Payday Payee Reporting screen.

Depending on the reason for the rejection, as identified by the error message, do the following:

  • Authorise FastTrack360 to submit information on behalf for the pay company that is submitting to the IRD

  • Fix the pay company data on the relevant Pay Company record in FastTrack360

  • Determine the correct filing period end date for which the rejected return should be submitted.

Once you have resolved the issues that caused the rejection, resubmit the return or employment details submission. 

After submitting a return or employment details submission, the submission status changes to Technical Error.

This can occur due to any of the following:

  • FastTrack360 submitted to the IRD gateway but has not received a response to acknowledge its receipt, possibly because of an outage of the gateway service.

  • There is an outage of the FastTrack cloud environment.

  • A system error occurred that prevented the submission being created or sent.

Check the following:

  • the status of the FastTrack cloud service (not applicable if your system is self-hosted)

  • the status of the IRD Employment and Return services.

If there is an outage of either of the abovementioned services, wait until the outage is resolved and then resubmit (for more information, see Checking Service Statuses).

Note: do not attempt to submit any Payday filing submissions until service is restored because any submission attempted while there is a service outage will fail due to a technical error and it will be necessary to resubmit once service is restored.

If a submission status of Technical Error is returned despite the services being available and despite trying to resubmit, contact FastTrack Client Services for help.

After submitting a Payday return, the submission status remains suck in the Queued or Partially Queued submission status.

FastTrack360 is unable to send the submission to the ATO gateway because of one of the following reasons:

  • A network/internet outage.

  • An outage of the FastTrack cloud environment.

Check the following:

  • the status of your network/internet connection

  • the status of the FastTrack cloud environment (not applicable if your system is self-hosted).

If the problem is caused by an outage, the submission status of the batch should change automatically from Queued to Submitted or Partially Queued to Partially Submitted within a few minutes of the outage being resolved.

If the submission status still does not change to Submitted or Partially Submitted after the outage is resolved, or if there was no outage, please contact FastTrack Client Services for help.

See also:

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